SSS ~ Takeru and Mako ~ | Almost Missed the Mistletoe |

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~Christmas Edition~


Genta had shouted out most dramatically.

Now jumping up and down, doing pop-squats, and pointing historically at the door frame ahead of him, Genta halted the two Shinken members who had just began to walk through. The others followed Genta with similar reactions,

Chiaki begins to gag just as Kotaha covers her mouth in surprise,
"AH! They're under.."
"They're under.."

"TONO-SAMA AND MAKO ARE UNDER THE MISTLETOE!" Ryunosuke leaps from his seat and points out the startled pair,

"I'm sorry, what are you all talking about?.." Mako asks as she then looks up and meets a mistletoe frosted with white and tipped with three red berries,
"Oh.." Her eyes then meet the Tono himself and sees him faced the other way, scratching the back of his head,

"TAKE-CHAN HAS TO KISS MAKO!" Genta chants as he circles the two,
"Or rather, Mako has to kiss Takeru!-" Chiaki teases and receives an immediate elbow from Mako, who's cheeks were tinted pink. Takeru on the other hand, still not choosing to face Mako, begins to walk away,

"Stop with the nonsense Genta.." He says, as he turns to walk through another hall away from the others.

Mako, suddenly, felt her heart drop. The others look back and forth between what seemed like a disappointed Mako, and the hall frame where Takeru had disappeared through,

"Mako-chan, I'm sorry-" Kotoha begins to say but she was cut short,
"It's ok, it's just a silly saying.." Mako says lightly as she makes her way to her room, head slumped down the whole way.

"That couldn't have gotten anymore awkward, couldn't it?"
"Shut it Chiaki!"
"Aaaaah, Take-chan is such a party pooper.."
"Poor Mako-chan.." The others drop their heads and sigh in unison.


It was just a bit past midnight, and Mako had gotten up for her bed and was headed for the kitchen to make tea. On her way, she had to make a quick turn past a certain hall frame, and had bumped into a familiar face.

"Takeru.." she says quite dimly,
"Mako?.. What are you doing up this late?"
"Might I ask you the same thing?" She replies, which Takeru, only furrows his eyebrows.
Mako raises her head just enough to notice the mistletoe hung up over them, she gulps and quickly looks down,
"Excuse me-" Mako says as she attempts to walk past Takeru, only to be grabbed by the wrist and pulled over to him. Breathing heavily and shocked, Mako tried to say something but wasn't able to at the moment. She could feel the heat already swelling up in her cheeks. Takeru, who still had a hold of her wrist, took brief second to look at the dangling plant above them, and then to the eyes of Mako- slowly, he raises his other hand to brush her cheek, and tilts her chin up.
"Mako." He finishes as he closes the gap in between them, and brings her lips to his. Though, still in shock, Mako returns the sweet kiss and wraps one arm around him, as he did with her, and the two stand together in their own world, for what feels like a long time. Just after they break, Takeru places his forehead against Mako's, and smiles shortly, while Mako's eyes were still large,
"I.. Didn't want you to miss it.." he whispers,
"Miss what?"
"The mistletoe."
"Oh really?" Mako raises an eyebrow, and Takeru nods in responses,
"You could of at least done something a bit earlier then, since your face is dimming as red as your suit." Mako teases. Takeru let's out a small laugh of embarrassment and scratches the back of his head.
Almost missed it.
(Somewhere around the corner of the Shiba Mansion)
"I GOT IT ON VIDEO!" Genta chirped up while shaking his sushi changer,
"Shut it! They'll hear you!" Chiaki hushes as him, Genta, Ryunosuke and Kotoha hid in plain sight, two halls away from the red and pink pair.
"When Tono-sama finds out about this scheme to spy on him and Mako, he'll punish you both!"
"So says Ryunosuke, the guy who came alongside with the plan just as much as we did!" Chiaki argued,
"Well I-!"
"Ssshhh, I think they're gonna kiss again!" Kotoha gushes,
"Ah crap! My turn to take a vid!-" Chiaki starts clicking on his sodo-phone,
"I think not!" Ryunosuke retorts,

As the four bicker, unbeknownst among them, Takeru and Mako had shared another sweet, and meaningful kiss, under the white frosted mistletoe, tipped with three, red, berries.
I know Christmas might have past already, so I apologize for posting late. I also apologize if this might have seen rushed, but I enjoyed writing it- I just love Takeru/Mako<3 They're one of my first OTPs.
This chapter was requested by pinksupersentai -Thank U for requesting!!
Up next, Yakumo/Kasumi and Takeru/Kotoha
'Til next time,

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