USK ~ Stinger/Hamie/Naga ~ | Ineffable / Part 2 |

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Ineffable : Too great to be expressed in words.



Stinger, Hamie, and Naga sat in a circle on the floor of the observatory room.

Stinger had his legs stretched out, staring at the ceiling as he leaned his back on the tall side of the control panel. Hamie was hugging her knees to her chest, having a staring contest with the floor. Naga sat crisscrossed, placing his hands on each knee, glancing back and forth between his silent teammates.

It had been fairly quiet the past few minutes- which felt like hours. 

The only sounds that had been heard was Stinger's unsteady breaths and Hamie's quiet sniffles. Soon after, though, the small sounds had died out, leaving Stinger and Hamie looking almost lifeless.

They were dead silent.

Naga had started to become worried. He wanted to approach them, but he didn't exactly know how. He wasn't sure on what to say, or what to do- most importantly, he wanted to make sure they were, well, alive-

Of course they were but...  

Naga couldn't really explain.

Something Balance had told him not long ago- what was it again?


Naga turns his head towards Hamie.

Hamie had pulled her legs closer to her and had buried her head into her arms. Naga took a closer look, she was shivering.

Naga stood up.

"Excuse me for one moment."

Naga walked out of the room-

To Orion knows where.


"Are you cold?"

Hamie shot her head up. She felt a sense of relief just to find out it was just Stinger's voice.

"No, I'm ok." Hamie shook her head shortly.

That was a lie though.

For some strange reason, the room's temperature felt like it had dropped a bit. Hamie was wearing a thin, long sleeved shirt, that apparently wasn't enough to withstand the cool atmosphere. Hamie had hurdled into a smaller ball, trying to seek warmth- which didn't work. She tucked her head into her arms. Stinger noticed her small movement and frowned.

Followed by a sigh, Stinger had scooted over to her side. Stinger had removed his scarf, and soon, gently wrapped it around the back of Hamie's neck. Hamie looks up in shock, her mouth slightly agape.

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