KSG ~ Marvelous and Ahim ~ | Darts |

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   Ahim noticed the other day that Marvelous has a sharp eye.

   Even if he was cocky, he always knew what he was doing -
Through battle, he'd notice if something had slipped out of the team's eyes and makes point of it in a rather proud way, and, makes sure his own team doesn't slip from under his eyes as well.
   He hasn't missed or wasted any of his bullets ( to at least what Ahim knows of ) when shooting, and his sword always makes its way through their enemy.
   He'd call out to Ahim to watch out for an almost impossible dodge from an attack of one of the scoundrels they've gone against, which saved her from critical injuries ( which Ahim is most thankful for ). Marvelous does the same thing with the others though, keeps an eye on all of them, as if they were his kin. Gai, however, teases Marvelous of his somewhat, fatherly behaviour -  who soon earns a beating from this "father".

   Ahim takes note of it all.

   Now walking up to the main headquarters, she encounters the captain alone, eyes glued on his dart board, hand occupied with a dart. First hesitating, Ahim slowly attempts to walk the opposite direction,

   "Going somewhere?" Marvelous asks without taking his eyes off the board.  Ahim in surprise, jumped.  ( Ahim also takes note that Marvelous might have eyes on all sides of his head )

   "Erm- um.." Ahim stammers, "I-I'm just going to go brew some tea?-"

"You always do that."

"I don't exactly-"

"Then do something else." Marvelous says with that with a deep, demanding tone.  ( Which Ahim finds unreasonably attracting).
   He gestures her to walk over, and she does. He then places a dart in her small, soft hand,




"I don't.."

  Suddenly,  Ahim could feel her hand overlapping with warmth, Marvelous, now with his hand over hers, lifts it to position it towards the dart board. ( By now, Ahim was sure her heart was on a roller coaster )

"I'm scared..." Ahim mumbles,

"Of what?" Marvelous raises an eyebrow,

She didn't know what she was scared of exactly,

"But Marvelous-San..."

"There's nothing to be scared about, as long as you - WATCH OUT!" Marvelous shouts which causes Ahim to squeak and throw the dart, right on the bullseye.

"Sharp eye you got there." Marvelous says cheekily. He smirks at the face of Ahim, who is still shocked from Marvelous' scheme. But that smile soon fades away,

"I've always got my eye on you, so don't be scared." He says as he locks her eyes with his. ( Ahim always finds herself lost in those eyes ).

Sharp eye Marvelous. Right on target.


I'm so busy with school and homework 😅
I really hope you like this chapter 'bout Marve and Ahim-chan, Love those two so much☺️
Chapter was requested by pinksupersentai
[Currently in the works of Takeru/Mako and Yakumo/Kasumi]
'Til next time-

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