USK ~ Naga and Hammy ~ | Time |

744 15 20

Haiii, this will be an AU, scene takes place at a high school or academy~



Hammy crumpled up a page of note paper and tossed it into a pile of other crumpled up papers, forming inside a small thrash bin beside her desk.

"I can't just say that! It's rude.." She complained.

Currently, Hammy was writing a letter to a student at Orion Academy.

"Dear Rei-san..." she says as she taps the end of her pen on the side of her cheek.

Naga Rei.

A Senior at the academy, and a classmate of Hammy's.

She sits a couple seats across from him during Astronomy class, where she usually dozes off as Professor Ryu stops the lesson just to tell the class his unrealistic adventures he's had in space himself, but she's not convinced they're true. Though, Astronomy class was her favourite amongst others- she especially loved to learn about the stars- that eventually lead her into developing an interest for Astrology instead.
Recently, Hammy learned that Naga Rei also had an interest in space as well, stars specifically- something they had in common, (and might be the only thing too). Though, Hammy wasn't to sure about that- he didn't talk much, only when he had to, like when he had a presentation or speech- should she mention how well his tone of voice is when speaking too? Or was that too weird?

After pacing around her room several times, Hammy sits back in her chair and begins to write a new letter,

"Hammy-chan! Lucky is here!" Her mom called from downstairs,

"I'm coming! Tell him I'll meet him outside!" She  calls back as she rushes to finish her letter. She folds the paper twice and slips it into an envelope.

Hammy quickly grabs her backpack, and rushes down the stairs. She gives a quick peck on her mom's cheek, and bids goodbye as she meets Lucky outside her house.

Lucky, a neighbour and childhood friend of Hammy, walks to school with her- usually annoying her for the most part.

As they begin to walk along the sidewalk, Lucky notices the envelope in Hammy's hand. He snatches it and raises it up high and out of Hammy's reach.

"Lucky!! Stop that!" Hammy snaps as she jumps up and down, attempting to retrieve the envelope. Lucky opens the envelope to find the letter inside. Lucky looked down at Hammy with a cheeky smile,

"Dear Rei-san-" Lucky begins to read, as Hammy squabbles for the letter, clearly at disadvantage due to his height and her own,

"Look who's got a crush-"

"Shut up Lucky! I don't like him like that.." Hammy mumbles. She felt a tinge of wamth surfacing her cheeks- she was probably as red as Lucky's outfit. While Lucky was a really good friend, he tends to jump to conclusions easily, and it gets on Hammy's nerves sometimes.

As they reach their school and head up the steps, Hammy snatches the letter out of Lucky's hand when he lowers it, to his surprise.

"Don't say a word." Hammy demands and glares at him to make sure he gets the point. Waving goodbye, she heads off to her home room.

"Tch, hope she doesn't mess up," Lucky watches her disappear through the front doors,

"Good luck Hammy."

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