USK ~ Stinger / Hamie / Naga ~ | Ineffable / Part 1 |

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Warning: Angst.

Ineffable : Too great to be expressed in words.

Hamie felt everything.

Her world was explosive with emotions- but she's forgotten something.


Stinger felt empty.

A part of his world had been torn out- all he had was a yearning.


Naga felt nothing.

He didn't understand his world- he desired.


They have to deal with their sidereal.


Naga was left on the ship.

He wasn't alone though-

He was accompanied with Stinger and Hamie.

He was aware they were somewhere on the ship at least.

He wandered around the Battle Orion. It was very similar to Orion-  the ship he entered not long ago, expecting to start anew- kind of.

Instead of thieving from the Jark Matter, he would save civilians from their nefarious acts.

He would venture around the galaxy with the others.

Naga wanted to expand his knowledge about emotions in the time being.

But really, he's just become more confused.

Every member of the team would usually display different emotions- most were difficult to depict.

He struggled. He wanted to know more- most importantly, he wanted to feel.

He was disgraced back home. For years, his species were void of any sentiments. They showed no emotions.

Naga grew up knowing he was different.

He was taught that emotions were dangerous- but he had a different outlook on them-

Naga thought they were alluring.

He wanted them more then ever.

Caught up in his thoughts, Naga found himself in the doorway of the observatory room. He'd usually spend his time there when he needed to think- to think about the emotions he would witness during his travels with the rest of the group.

What did that mean?

Why were they laughing?

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