KSG ~ Marvelous and Luka ~ | Trust |

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-Star Wars Au-

"Do you trust me?"


He remained silent, anticipating for her answer.

"I do."

"Well that took longer than expected," His serious look was soon replaced with a smug one. "Why did you hesitate?"

"W-well why wouldn't I? You are some misfit..." She bites her lip, averting her gaze away from him, she scanned her surroundings in the cave he had dragged her into.

"You're calling me the misfit? I saved you after you were caught thieving from the senators."

"I wasn't thieving, I was-"

"Defending yourself? Trying to get away?-"

"They were shooting at me! What was I suppose to do?" The temperature of the cave had seemed to rise and little stones and pebbles began to quake. She takes a step back, eyes widening as soon as realization hits her. Breathing heavily, she pulls her hair back, the stones and pebbles continuing to quake.

"Hey, hey, calm down-" He tries to approach her, but she steps back further more,

"NO!-" Panic laced in her voice, "Don't come closer..." Her hands shaking.

"Please- I can help you-"

"CAN YOU MARVELOUS?!" She yelled, the ground beneath their feet shaking. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW IT FEELS! WITH MY SO CALLED GIFT - I COULD KILL SOMEONE I ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT! WHAT IF I-" She couldn't speak anymore, something was preventing her to. She glances up at Marvelous who had raised his hand, then placing a finger to his lips, smirking slightly.

Did he?....

With his other hand, he gestured her to come towards him. Confused, she couldn't bring herself to move, before realizing her feet was moving for her.

This wasn't her...

She wasn't in control...

Soon, she found her self levitating towards the red cladded man. She was then facing him, shock written on her face.

He had it-

She felt an invisible pull, and before she knew it, his strong arms was embracing her.

He had the force.

"Luka," He gently caressed her hair, his whispering only audible in the vacant cave. "You can control it, I can help you..." He brings her closer to him. The stones in the cave suddenly become still.

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