TSG ~ Alata and Eri ~ | Guardian Angel |

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Eri ran.

It was almost midnight, and the only things that illuminated her way were the street lights and the full moon that shined brightly in the dark sky.

Panicking, she turned, hoping to escape, but to her tough luck, it was a dead end. She was surrounded by the two gruff walls of the alleyway. Eri quickly hid behind a dumpster, covering her mouth, hoping to suppress the sounds of her heavy breathing. She noticed the a bunch of long shadows appearing on the wall in front of her, and the sounds of footstep slowly getting closer.

"Come out little lady, we just want to play..." A scruffy, aged man cackled followed by whistles and hoots from his drunken company.

Never did Eri think this was how her day was going to go.


"Come on Eri! Just one more!" Moune, Eri's best friend, hiccuped. From her flushed cheeks, droopy body language, and the faint smell of liquor from her breath, Eri noticed she already had one drink too many.

"I'm okay Moune, really-"

"Don't be such a party pooper girl!-" Moune giggled. Eri raised her eyebrows. Usually, Eri was the more giddy and extraverted our of the two while Moune was more composed and practical.

"Looks like the tables are turned for tonight." Eri huffed under her breath,

"What was that?" Moune jerked her head at Eri's direction, getting up all in her face.

Yeah. She was definitely drunk.

Eri has no idea why she agreed on going to a bar with Moune. The two had been stressed about applications and after finally completing them, Moune decided that they should be rewarded with a drink or two- but in Moune's case, a dozen shots. Luckily, Eri despised the strong taste of alcohol- however, she did drink, the glasses she drank however, was just filled with water. She was impressed how the bartender secretly prepared it for her so she wouldn't have to be embarrassed in the end. She'd had to tip him later.

"Moune, I think you've had enough-" Eri grabs Moune's arm but the small girl spins around and got out of Eri's grasp.

"Just one dance-" She hiccups. Eri rolls her eyes,

"Fine, but don't come running to me when tomorrow morning, you wake up with a banger of a headache." Eri takes a seat by the counter, glancing at the dance time to time, making sure Moune wouldn't get too turnt.

Eri felt her phone buzz. She takes it out from her pocket and opens a text. After reading it, she nearly dropped her phone after realizing who it was from,

Agri 🖤 :

You've got one hell of explaining to do.

Along with the text, a picture was attached. It was a tweet of Moune and a bunch of other drunken 'friends'.

Eri let out a breath of frustration, slightly banging her forehead onto the countertop. How was she going to explain to Moune's older brother about how his sister 'shook a tail feather' on top of the table, aaaand possibly treated a bunch of strangers to free shots? Taking her phone, Eri was about to reply to Agri when she noticed her phone charm was missing. She frantically looked around the counter top. When she got up, she bumped into the someone's chest.

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