ESG ~ Renn and Miu ~ | Motor |

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Miu's POV

He was the mom of the group.

Not the dad-

The mom.

Once, I've watched as Hanto misplaces his socks. He trashed the jeep searching for them- but when Hanto asks for Renn's aide, Renn casually points at the shelf behind him with his green and grey striped socks on top, and Hanto complains that they weren't there a minute ago.

Renn knows exactly what to buy at the store- some new towels for Gou, pudding for Saki, and maybe a toy car for Sosuke from the knick-knack department.

He's also arguably the best cook I know, and believe me, from the family who's raised me, you've met a lot of cooks to serve your meal, but it doesn't get better than Mother Renn.

Moms know where everything is,

Moms know everything.

Well, at least that's what I was told.

Mom and Dad were always working abroad on business trips, so it was rare when me and Aniki would see them. So I missed out a lot on the mother-daughter moments and such-

I don't really mind most of the time, but I envy others every now and then too.

I got off the coach and thanked my driver when we arrive to my destination; a garage at the area of the edge of the city, where Renn is at the moment. He wanted to give the jeep an oil change and replace it's tires. The others had gone off to some cafe, 35 minutes drive but an hour walk away from here. Aniki had to attend some meetings and decline the offers he will receive in the process.

So here I am, by myself, or at least at the moment. But since everyone was sorta busy, Renn invited me to his parent's garage.

I stared at the blue, rusted garage. The jeep was just outside the garage door, and tools from the toolbox, loose bolts and some paintbrushes sprawled everywhere on the ground- and when I thought for a minute there, you could find anything on the garage's ground but Renn was still no where to be found.

"Hello..? Renn?" I walk up to the jeep's bumper.

"Where are y- AH!" I nearly scream when Renn rolls out from beneath the jeep, face covered in some black oil stains.

"Oh hi Miu!" He smiled. I scrunched my eyebrows,

"Renn don't do that!"

"Do what?"

"You scared me!"

"Oh- I apologize then." He shrugs his shoulders as he gets up from his small scooter and dusts off his clothes. I shake my head and take a look at the jeep,

"How is she?"

"Should be up and rolling soon as I find the- you've got to be kidding me.." Renn's expression changes when he shoves his hands into his pockets, feeling them around. Soon, he turns around, panicking, scanning the garage.

"What wrong?"

"Where's my notepad?"

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