SSS - Chiaki and Kotoha - |Soulmate Pt. 1|

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Kotoha tugged her sleeve down, covering the brace of her arm.

She had just finished her exams, and it was noon. She sat at a lunch table alone.


Kotoha would occasionally eye the couples sitting at the tables around her, watching how happy they were together. Well, of course there was no surprise on that part- the people who sat around Kotoha had found their soulmates.

Kotoha hasn't found her own yet.

She always felt like her soulmate was close by, but when she would look around and try to find them, she felt them slowly going away. Still, Kotoha had the biggest of hopes of finding them.

-Bzzzt, Bzzzzzt -

Kotoha pulls out her phone and opens the text.



Hey Kotoha! Have you eaten yet?

Kotoha smiled. Aki was Kotoha's first friend in high school. Her and Aki were the youngest out of their friend group, which explained why they were the closest among them all.

Shirashi Mako was like an older sister to Kotoha and the others, and she had met her through cooking class. Kotoha would wait outside of Mako's class so she could walk with her to her next. Kotoha looked up to Mako.

Shiba Takeru, Mako's soulmate, was an upperclass student. He was head of the student council. Even though his appearance seemed cold at first, Kotoha managed to sneak a few glimpses of him smiling, which only happened when he was with her, Mako, and the others.

Ikenami Ryunnosuke was Aki's best friend, and occasionally, nemesis. Kotoha had first learned of him through drama class, where he would always volunteer for the lead roles. Ryunnosuke was always praising Takeru, which annoyed Aki sometimes. Ryunnosuke was like the brother Kotoha never had.

Umemori Genta was Takeru's childhood friend. Genta was the current holder of the sushi slice competition, with a record that hasn't been broken since. He was like the light of the group, always trying to lighten up Takeru. Kotoha really likes the curry rice he'd make just for her.

Last but definitely not least, Aki- who's never failed when it came to making Kotoha happy. If Kotoha had to be honest, Aki was the type of guy she liked, or could put up with anyways. Aki often pulled pranks on the group, and it didn't help that Kotoha was a bit of a klutz and gullible. Aki would take her to walks on the beach and run off with her shoes, as well as take her to the park and snatch the hat off her head and place it in high place where she can't reach. At the end of the day, Aki would apologize, even though Kotoha was never really bothered, (unlike the others)- all because she knew that Aki had a really big heart.

Aki would take the extra hour just to get to her house and accompany her to collage, along with a small breakfast he had bought for her on the way. He would also take the time to wait for her at the end of the day, especially Kotoha's slow days, so he could make sure she gets home safely. He would text her for hours at night, telling her stories and jokes, but will dismiss her to go to sleep when he's oblivious to the fact that he's the one keeping her up at night (It's not that Kotoha minds though).

There are times when Kotoha has nearly fallen for him, her heart on a rollercoaster every time she's with him. Unfortunately, she always dismisses the thought of being with him- after all, Kotoha had a soulmate.

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