TSG ~ Agri and Eri ~ | Them in Ten |

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Here is a very special chapter- instead of the average chapter with a scenario starter, I'll be writing 10 genre fic-


1. - Who wakes up first?
He does, he's more of a morning person than she is- Every morning, he wakes up, ready to take his morning jog. After a few laps, he comes back to her room, quietly creeps over to the bed, and usually sees her peacefully sleeping on her right side. He'll shake her shoulder a bit, just before she bolts up and tugs him into a hug- and then immediately detaches herself from him to pinch her nose- she'll then complain how sweaty he smells, and demands for him to take a shower.

2. - Who cooks?
Surprisingly, she does-
Most mornings, she often wants to make her famous Eri-don, which is just a vegetable and fruit bowl, for everyone, particularly for him. He even states that it's delicious- but, every now and then, she complains to herself how she's not able to cook, and will probably burn down the kitchen in the process-
She practices with Nozomu, and half cooks the vegetables and mashes the fruit, to make the best meal ever- according to his satisfied stomach.

3. - Who has a taste in music?
She definitely has pure talent when it comes to singing-
He says her voice is probably one of the most beautiful sounds in the world, and if he could, he'd choose to listen to her all day.
But who's to say he doesn't like music? He may not be the best singer, but every now and then, he quietly hums to himself a familiar tune that she recalls him singing in the fields- she takes note of that.

4. - Who holds the umbrella?
He is the one to hold the umbrella on rainy days- he is much taller, but she doesn't oblige.
For some reason, they always end up only bringing out one umbrella, which means they'd have to share it between them, which both don't mind. He brings her closer if they start to part, and she gently grasps his arm when it rains hard. Hyde, once has brought them out by the bay to help him with research, and coincidentally, it'd start raining, and the two would stand close together under the little shade they had- Hyde totally had planned it.

5. - Who's gets more jealous?
Although she's spotted him catching a glance of other girls long in the past, he is the one who's switch gets easily flicked- with her beauty and positivity, it's hard to not like her, and many guys have taken note of this, much to his displease. He's caught many guys staring- one day however, a young man wasn't to lucky- the young man attempted to make a move on her, but before the guy could, he didn't even dare when he came stomping into the scene and swore he'd receive a beating if he touched her.

6. - Who's the heavy sleeper?
She is- even out of the whole team, she is the one to get out of bed last. She loves her sleep, especially since she gets to dream under warm sheets- but the night feels cold when she has nothing to cuddle with, therefore, she asks him to stay by her side at night- and he's not quick to oblige. He sits with her and doesn't even leave when she falls into a deep slumber- her arms wrapped around his waist while her head lays comfortably on his lap, as he strokes her bangs to side constantly, as they fall back into place.

7. - Who's more protective?
Although she is the one to rush to his side when injured, and the first to volunteer to tend to his wounds, he is profoundly more protective, by far.
It has been proved in several scenarios- when she had received the blunt of an unforeseen attack and was wounded badly, it was then demanded by him, that she shouldn't fight, despite him being as equally injured, and yelled at her for being unmindful of her surroundings- that day, he received a red handprint on his cheek and a her crying out the room.

8. - Who's kisses better?
She takes the upper hand when the time is right-
She pulls him away from the others so it'd be just the two of them. That's when she takes him by surprise and goes on her toes, pulls him down by the collar and places a kiss on his lips. He never pulls back though, he leans down and just rolls along with it- her lips are soft, and her kisses are usually gentle. Sweet, probably from all the sugar she consumes. Meaningful, since every kiss she shares with him, is another way to say she loves him.

9. - Who's the one in charge?
He takes a real moment to think about this. He's always the one to make the first choice- to make up their mind quickly, the one to look to, and thinks with proper thought. But when he really digs through it all, he decides that she's the one in charge. He knows to never get in her way, and takes note that she will always be the one to get her way- she'll win an argument hands down if she'd have to, he's seen it- and sometimes, she scares him, just the littlest bit.

10. - Who says "I love you" first?
They both love each other greatly, and every now and then, they seek to hear it themselves.
She chooses to say the words at the most out placed times-
She'd randomly blurt it out on the spot, especially when she feels extra cheery, and give him one of her bone-crushing hugs- and she'd say those special words and continue by adding the many more things she loves about him.
However, there has never been a time where he has said those particular words, without ending her name with it.
He'd take her aside into their own little world- her small hands in his, his eyes never leaving hers, all, as Agri says "I love you, Eri."
It can go both ways.

I think this is one of the best chapters I've written so far- (and one of the longest) and I'm really proud of it! I've never written a fic like this before and I think it went pretty well- (you guys are the judge of that)
Chapter was requested by sentaicouples05 - I've always loved Agri/Eri, and it's a shame the two didn't have enough screen time together- 🖤💕
[I don't think I'll be just writing "One Shots" guys😂 so I could really use help to think of a new title for this book, hm- idk maybe].
Anyways, I've been thinking that I could start writing AUs, or maybe some Angst, dark-fic or hurt/comfort kind of chapters, what do you think? I'm up for some requests by you guys!
Speaking of which, I'm really thankful for how many reads, votes and comments I've been receiving! I really want to reach 1000 reads soon so I'll keep writing dw! Please vote, it really means a ton if you do! But overall- you guys are amazing, thank you for all the support! 💕
'Til next time,


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