DSZ ~ Leo and Amu ~ | Puns |

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"Leo-kun! Give them back! I can handle them!" Amu ranted, Leo held grocery bags high over his head,

"Nah. Besides- men should take care of this-"

"What was that?! You think I can't handle a couple of groceries?" Amu pouted and crossed her arms,

"Well uh, it's just you're a lady.." Leo scratches the back of his head and smirks,


"And what?"

"Women can do anything men can do! Didn't Sela-chan give you this scolding already?" Amu asked and jumped in attempt to grasp the grocery bags, that were still hovering above Leo's head,

"The main thing she ever yells at me about is how loud my voice is!-"

"You look stupid Nekomi!" A voice from behind yelled,

"Hm? Who was that?" Leo and Amu had stopped arguing to turn around; behind them, were three kids- two boys and a girl in punk outfits,

"Ha! You're going to compete in that? We're definitely going to win this dance battle Satoru!" One of the boys teased while pointing at the girl's head- on top of her head laid cat-eared headband.

"Why are you guys so mean!" Nekomi was about to cry,

"Is the cat going to cry? Nekomi Neko, Nekomi Neko, Nekomi-"

"HEY!" Leo came rampaging in between the kids, "That is no way to treat a lady!- Hey!-" Amu had pulled Leo back,

"I'll handle this.." Amu winks back at Leo who cocks his head to the side. Amu walks towards the kids,

"And what's so wrong about cats? By the looks of it, she's already got a leap start!" Amu gestures at Nekomi,

"What do you mean Miss? She's so clumsy, she might even fall off the stage!" A boy laughed,

"But- she'll land on her feet- you see, cats are so graceful, she'll definitely do purrfect, to the point- she'll even will this dance competition! So you guys better start puuracticing!~" Amu smiled, the two boys began to panick, looking between the sweet-faced Amu, and Leo's furrowed eyebrows, and had ran off. Leo was in complete awe- he now knew to never get in Amu's way.
Amu turns around to face Nekomi and fixed the cat-eared headband to be right top of her head,

"Nekomi was it? Don't mind them- You'll do great! Now go shake a tail on stage!"

"Yeah! Thanks Miss!" Nekomi ran off, just as Leo ruffles his hair in frustration,

"Ah mou! Stop it with the cat puns!" Leo stomps, and Amu just giggles,

"What? Cat caught your tongue?" Amu smiles teasingly,

"You're being to cute.." Leo mumbles,

"What was that?~ Is Leo-kun being a quiet kitty for once? Where's your roar hmm?"

"I SAID YOU'RE BEING TO CUTE!" Leo roars, and it felt as if the ground was shaking, Amu laughed as she covered her ears,

"Loud- and clear." Amu looks at Leo teasingly, who finally let's out a smirk,

"I'm surprised you stood up for that kitty girl so well," Leo remarks,

"I just had to lend a paw!" Amu giggles, Leo rolls his eyes,

"Mou.. Don't give me that look again.." Leo puts his arm around Amu shoulders,

"And besides, us cats-" Amu turns to look at Leo face to face,

"Need to stick together."

Wow- this chapter was longer than expected- Oh well, I just really get in the zone sometimes! Plus, this chapter was so fun to write! Speaking of which, today's chapter was requested by AnimeLover569 - I have to admit Leo/Amu aren't my Zyuohger OTP, but I gotta say that they're still adorable and I was happy to write a chapter about them💕
Requests are up! Continue to request for your favourite SS couples for me to write about- I'm looking forward to update soon!
'Til Next time,


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