SSN ~ Kinji and Kasumi ~ | Warm |

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Kinji's POV

I was lying down on one of the floor beds.

I attempt to sit up, but my body was too sore to do so.

The room was dark, I could tell even without the need to open my eyes.

But just out of the silence, was the smallest sound- like a sad hum, and soon after, quick sniffles.

I turn my head slightly to my left.

Kasumi was on her knees, her head hung down. In her hands was a wet towel.

"Miss Kasumi.." My lips moved. Her head shot up, and she almost had jumped out of her spot.

"Kinji-san! Don't move-" She said as she took the towel she held and dipped it into the bowl beside her. I wasn't attempting to get up anyways, so I chose to lie still for the mean time.

Kasumi placed the warm, wet towel onto my forehead. She was gentle, and soon after prepared bandaging strips.

She raises my right arm lightly, to bandage the scrap along it.

I winced during the process. Now that I think back, I can't exactly remember why I'm here in the first place. I turned to Kasumi,

"What happened?.." I asked.

Kasumi had froze and stopped bandaging my arm. She then shook her head and went to get the towel from my head.

I watched her eyes move back and forth from the towel to my bandaged arm. She took a deep breath, and I could now tell she was holding back tears. My heart started beating faster, and I knew it'd probably brake if she starts crying.

I remember now.

During the battle earlier, I had taken a blade to my arm, as I interfered with the attack that was meant for Kasumi. My body moved on instinct then, but I knew it was right. I soon had received blunts of attacks later and was flung back across the field-
Kasumi had me on her lap, her grip was strong, and she was warm. She was crying, and kept calling my name, but I probably dozed off and fell unconscious.

Everything was black from there.

Back to my current situation, I hear the sniffles again.

Kasumi dipped the towel for the third time and squeezed it slightly before flattening it out, and was just about to place it over my forehead, until I grabbed her hand.

She looks up at me, eyes watery.

She closes her eyes,

"Why did you take the hit? All those attacks? Why did you take them all in?..." She says, her voice cracked from the tears that had finally decided to leave her eyes.

There goes my heart.

"Why did you take that hit... for me?.." She finally faces me, her eyes were pink. The grip as I held her hand tightened. I finally spoke,

"Why not?"


That was my first Hurt/Comfort One-shot, and it turned out better than expected.
Today's chapter was requested by AnimeLover569 Thanks for requesting! I really like Kasumi/Kinji, it's a really cute ship, and this chapter was pretty interesting to write- (sorry for the bad title😅 "Warm" was better than "Towel"😂) I really wanted to show character development here.
I'm really happy to say I'm extremely close to 1000 views and I want to thank everyone for that!! Please keep voting and reviewing, and I promise to update earlier!
Arigatou Minna!🙏
Next chapters, Naga/Hame and Stinger/Hame from Kyuranger!

'Til next time,



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