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"No, no! I guess I won't pass all the exams," Hoseok whined for the nth time and dropped his head down his table.

"Of course you will, hey!" Namjoon said and glanced at Hoseok. "Taehyung had taught you, right?"

Hoseok nodded halfheartedly and sighed. Yoongi chuckled and said, "If you feel like you answered most of the questions correctly, then you might pass them."

"I answered them correctly," Hoseok answered. "It's just my answers didn't feel right. If I felt too sure with it, it's definitely wrong that I thought all of them were wrong," he nervously bit his lip and took a glance at their homeroom teacher who had been standing in front of the class, arranging his documents and so.

"So it's only what in your mind," Seokjin said. "You're so afraid just like you are going to give birth. Just keep calm and let's see what comes, can you?"

All the seven boys burst in laughter when Seokjin said so. Their feelings turned calmer a little, and the previous joke made them better.

Finally, after a week fighting with papers and lessons, the day where they got to know the results came. All the students were nervous yet scared, and now all of them were sitting at their class, waiting for their homeroom teacher to finally call their names one by one and give them the result printed in a small paper.

Taehyung himself was nervous, but somehow he felt a little bit more worried about Hoseok's results. Would he get good scores? Would he pass all of them?

All students inside the room kept on chattering before finally their homeroom teacher spoke loudly, "Silent, kids! I will start distributing the results. Come to the front of the class when your name is called."

The students shut their mouths, but their hearts couldn't keep silent. All of them had their hearts beating hard, they all felt nervous for the results whether it would be nice until they smiled from ear to ear or it's bad that they immediately jumped down the window.

The teacher began to take the first report paper. Jungkook's name was written there so he said it out loud, "Jeon Jungkook!"

Once his name got called, Jungkook nervously stood up and walked to the front of the class with his breath held. Slowly the teacher handed him the paper, and he slightly bowed.

He turned around and went back to his friends. All of them stared at Jungkook and Jungkook mouthed an 'I'm scared!'

"Yah, open it!" Hoseok whispered once Jungkook had gone back to his seat. Jungkook nodded, he bit his lip and nervously opened the folded paper.

He widened his eyes once he saw the scores. He got ten out of ten for math, and nine out of ten for biology! How great! Jungkook immediately smiled from ear to ear, and the others patted him to congratulate that boy.

The result distribution continued for a while. The boys have had their results given but Hoseok and Taehyung. The two boys just held each other's hands under the table and kept on wishing in their hearts.

Since most of the results had already been given, most of the students were now standing and jumping happily, making a crowd with their friends. The front part of the class was even full of happy kids. Taehyung and Hoseok only could wish that they could join the happy crowd...

"Kim Taehyung!"

Finally Taehyung's chance had come. Taehyung immediately stood up and went to the front, leaving Hoseok alone at the chair that was still nervous. Taehyung went back to the seat with panicked face, and he sat down again.

"How is it?" Hoseok asked and peeked at Taehyung's paper. Taehyung slowly opened it, and his heart started to beat fast that he should hold his breath.

Perfect score for physics.

He was so happy that he couldn't say anything.

"Jung Hoseok!" suddenly the teacher's voice echoed, and Hoseok immediately stood up. Taehyung's gaze followed Hoseok, but then he went back to his own result.

There was barely an eight, most of them were nines. He chewed his lower lip in happiness seeing the final result after learning and learning for a whole week, reducing their sleep span and giving themselves headaches.

"Woah!" suddenly from the front of the class Hoseok yelled. Taehyung immediately looked at Hoseok, and Hoseok was holding his result paper with widened eyes. "A nine!!"

All the boys but Taehyung who had stood in the front immediately peeked at Hoseok's paper, congratulated him and messed his hair. Taehyung suddenly felt happier than before, even happier that he realized he got one perfect score.

Hoseok was still reading his result with huge smile on his face when suddenly a pair of hands wrapped around his waist. He lightly gasped and glanced back, and Taehyung's figure was there. Taehyung hugged him from behind really tight with a smile and his head leaned on Hoseok's back.

"I'm really glad for you," Taehyung spoke.

Hoseok was rather stunned. His heart started to beat in a faster pace, and he could feel Taehyung's because their bodies were sticking to each others. For a moment he forgot about his result, for a moment he forgot that he was still in the class with everyone around him, having euphoria. For a moment he just felt so... loved?

Really, I have to admit this. Falling in love is about being happy together, feeling glad because and for the person you love. Falling in love is about sharing your happiness with your partner, making your partner smile along with you.

Taehyung tightened his embrace a little more, and he smiled wider than before.


The holiday after exam at last had begun. All students finally could give themselves time to rest and time to play. There were no more worries about exams, lessons, homework, and all stuffs that had made them stressed. But, hey, holidays can also be boring.

Let's see Taehyung. Taehyung was rolling all over his room with a comic on his hand, he had nothing to do. Yes, he was glad because finally the holiday came, but it was such a surprise that he got bored even at the first day.

Hoseok was lying in front of his television with his game console held on his hand. He had played it for hours until he won thousands chapters of the game, and now he had nothing to do.

The similar things also happened to the other boys. They all did nothing but lying down until they felt sleepy, reading comics, playing games and stuffs that made all of them bored.

Ah, what else should I do? Hoseok rolled towards his table and tried to reach his phone. He didn't even know what he would do with that phone, but he just opened his contacts and pressed Taehyung's name.

Call Taehyung? His phone said so.

Hoseok thought for a while before finally aimed his finger to the screen, but then he twirled his finger and wondered. Should I, or should I not?

He was about to finally press it when his phone vibrated, signed that a message had came. Hoseok immediately clicked at the icon which showed the picture of a small envelope, and Jimin's name was there.

From: Jimin

Hey guys! My dad is planning something with all of you. I guess it's kind of a holiday in the other side of the town... I still don't know but I want to know do y'all want to join this.

Hoseok smiled, but then the smile changed into a chuckle. He immediately replied the message as a confirmation that he would definitely join the trip. It must be so fun for having a trip with your six friends far away!

At the same time, the other six people also received the same text message, and those six pairs of hands immediately typed the answer that they were agreeing to join the trip.

Fate Often Mistook [A V-Hope Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now