Chapter 2- My Sister loves Me...Not

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Hailey's point of view
Flashback to this morning

I woke up on my couch screaming. As I recalled the dream I couldn't stop shaking. "It's just a dream it's all over," I told myself. She can't be back, she just can't be. I had a bad feeling about today, but I put that thought aside and headed to my bathroom to get ready. Priorities, I couldn't let a silly dream ruin a good morning.

I took a quick shower, hopped out, and brushed my long blonde hair and let it lay naturally straight. I grabbed my makeup and put foundation, eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, and lipstick on. I put in some silver hoops and put on my black dress and heels, I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

I ate my breakfast and took my little brother Connor, who was already dressed by our maid, and started walking towards my red convertible. I put him in the backseat, and I made sure to blast Taylor Swift in the car so he wouldn't talk to me, I dropped him off at his daycare room. Normally, our driver would take him, but he must have been busy or something. I just knew if my mom asked me to do something, I did it.

"Bye Hai-" Connor started to say.

"Bye." I said interrupting him and not even a second later, I walked away and drove to school.

As I pulled into my spot in the senior lot, I saw my friends and boyfriend waiting for me. I hoped out and smile at them and my boyfriend Blake came over and I went to kiss him. He was the captain of our school's varsity soccer team and a total hottie. My two best friends Maddie and Sophie followed us to class and I sat next to Blake.

"So can you guys come over after school?" I asked turned around so I could talk to Maddie and Sophie.

They all nodded and then the teacher came in so we all quieted down. I still tried whispering to Blake but he just nodded along. I got though all my boring classes and at lunch I sat at my normal table with the other popular kids. I ate my salad and listened to the daily gossip from Maddie.

"So she is totally pregnant and Ben is so mad they broke up and I heard she moved to Europe to raise the kid, today Ryder and his crew got kicked out of class for talking back, Moriah slept with Mr. Mathews, a new girl is coming tomorrow and Valerie who volunteers at the front office said she is a totally troublemaker, and someone finally-"

"Woah wait! A new bad girl? I want details" I said. I thought of my sister but she was still in prison last I checked. Dreams don't just come true, I reminded myself. I finally calmed down and listened to Maddie.

"Apparently, she been in prison for the past couple of years, she gets drunk and high every weekend, she has slept with more guys than you can count, and she has a lot of anger issues and ADHD," Maddie said.

I had a sinking feeling in my stomach that sounded exactly like my sister. I never got along with her even though we were twins, we were just too different, she got on my nerves. She never listened to anyone and never learned so why should I get along with her? I had to listen to my mom and do what she said why couldn't Harley? It just wasn't fair.

"You okay?" Blake asked glancing over at me.

I must have looked upset I quickly changed my expression. "Yeah. Just trying to figure out how to show the new girl who controls this school," I said with a confident smile.

He face changed from concern to almost an annoyed look and then he just nodded and continued talking with some other guy about soccer. One thing I hated about our relationship was that he never knew when I lied. We had been dating since sophomore year, and it was like he didn't even want to be with me anymore.

The rest of my classes passed quickly. I wrote down all my homework and stopped by my locker to grab my textbooks. I got to my car and saw Blake waiting for me.

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