Chapter 6-Sober at a Party

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Ryder's Point of view

I saw Harley on her balcony smoking, we made eye contact but she quickly went inside. I headed to my bed and went on my phone, I got a text from Marcus telling me about a party on Friday, a couple from some random girls that I quickly blocked, and one from Jake saying my motorcycle was all fixed and that he would drop it off tomorrow. around midnight, I finally got under the covers and went to sleep or at least tried to.

I woke up a little bit later and heard screaming. I went to my balcony and found it coming from Harley's room, she woke up and started crying. I almost went over myself to see what was wrong but her dad walked in.

He said something and walked back out. She seemed to calm down but I continued to watch her, it wasn't like I was going to be able to sleep right now. She tossed and turned all night. Around five she got up and I quickly went back into my room. She didn't need to think I was a stalker or anything. 

I got ready for school and saw she had already left. I looked myself over in the mirror. I was wearing black jeans, my leather jacket, a white T-shirt, and black converse. I followed Blake to his car and we headed to school.

When we got there, class started and Harley wasn't here. No surprise. I headed to music and she was still not there. I went to English, then Art and she still hadn't showed up. I wondered where she went. Halfway through class, I saw her through the window parking her car which she still shouldn't have been driving. Ten minutes later, she walked in and the teacher gave her a look as she handed them a tardy slip.

Harley came and sat with me in the back. She had fresh tattoos that made her look even hotter than before. She took out her supplies and read the instructions on the board which said to draw a happy moment from your life. She got to work and drew a girl playing soccer. She was passing the ball to a boy, she added her parents smiling in the stands, she looked genuinely happy. She saw me looking and she quickly went and turned it in.

"You know for someone who looks so tough, you were a pretty innocent looking kid." I said as she returns.

She shrugged. "It wasn't a real moment. I mean I did look like that and I played soccer, but my mom didn't really come to games, my dad did though."

I offered her a sympathetic smile. "Are you telling me you didn't have bright turquoise hair back then?"

She laughed. "My parents always said that without my piercings, and hair dye, and now I guess my tattoos too, I would look cute and innocent but the thing is I don't care. If you hear my story you wouldn't think I am." she said bitterly.

"Our judgmental society is a pretty stupid thing isn't it?"

"Yeah it is," she says smiling slightly. "In other news why is Hailey sending me and Blake death glares?"

"He broke up with her and I think she is under the impression he was kidding or something ." I said. I glanced over at Blake, he was happily talking to some guy, clearly ignoring Hailey's glare. 

"Oh and she thinks that I might go after him now," she said bitterly.

I gave her a funny look. "Why? Would you go out with him?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"No. I don't date my sisters boyfriends," she said quietly. I sensed more to that statement than she was letting on but I didn't push her for answers.

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