Chapter 4- Lunch

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Harley Point of view

It was a photocopy of a page from my criminal record. It showed that I had been arrested for vandalism, petty theft, auto theft, underage drinking and smoking, joyriding, breaking and entering, and murder.

"Wow she really knows how to make me look bad," I said to no one in particular as I walked into the cafeteria and looked at the page everyone was holding.

"You killed someone?" I heard someone say.

I looked around for the voice and saw it was one of the guys sitting with Ryder.

"Can you sit down you look like you are gonna faint," I said.

"I do not, but uh yeah I will." he muttered.

"Jeez quit staring at me," I said to the entire cafeteria

Almost immediately the room filled with chatter and everyone started to look away, I noticed Hailey glaring at me. I went to where Hailey is sitting.

"I'd watch your back I didn't just disappear. I went to prison, I picked up a thing or two." I whispered in her ear and smirked as her face went from relaxed to worried in a matter of seconds. With that, I turned and walked out of the cafeteria.

As I about to go outside, some football players came up to me. I also saw Ryder and his two friends watching me from across the hall.

"So is it true?" one of them asked.

"Did you really kill someone?" another asked.

"How can you sleep knowing you killed someone?" One of the guys asked.

"If I figure it out I will let you know," I said rather dramatically.

The boys looked shocked, I could tell they were trying to figure out if I was being serious or not, they started to walk away and muttered something along the lines of "she's crazy" and "how is Hailey related to her?"

I saw Ryder sharing a shocked expression on his face with his friends. I ignored them all and I decided to sit outside against one of the trees and plugged in my earbuds. I turned Guns N' Roses on. I don't remember how long I was sitting there but if I had gotten through two whole albums, it must have been an hour and half at least. I decided to go find my science room. I walked in and the old guy started yelling at me.

"Harley Snow you have missed three classes and you are forty minutes late to my class," he said angrily.

"I missed history?" I asked feigning shock. "Well that sucks," I said dryly.

"Who do you think you are?" the teacher asked.

"Harley Snow, I think we already cleared that up." I responded calmly.

The teacher was too angry to respond and just shook his head. He pointed to the lab table in the back and I went and sat down next to Ryder who smirked at me. I smirked back and then the teacher furiously came over and handed me my second detention slip of the day. When the bell rang,  I went to the computer lab for my last class, I sat down at a computer in the back when two boys sat on either side of me and I recognized them as the boys sitting with Ryder at lunch.

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