Chapter 3- School? More Like Hell

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Harley's Point of view


"Ugh shut up." I muttered.

I reached over and found the alarm clock, I threw it across the room and it slammed into the wall, hard. It didn't make any noise after that. I hadn't barely slept at all thanks to my insomnia, I tried to go back to sleep, but an hour later I was woken up again but this time it is a rather timid voice.

"Please wake up Miss Snow, I don't want your mom to yell at us," she whispered quietly.

I sat up in the bed and saw one of the housekeepers looking at me with such fear like I was about to kill her. My mom treated these women like crap they do so much and she couldn't even say thanks.

"Don't worry. It was totally my fault I broke my alarm clock when it went off. Does Connor need a ride to daycare or does someone take him?" I asked.

"Oh don't worry the driver, Marty will take him. You just get ready for school, you already missed first period."

I nodded and she left the room. I took a quick shower, grabbed some clothes and got ready. I put on mascara and looked myself over in the mirror. I was wearing some black jean shorts, a grey t-shirt, and my black boots.

It was nine-thirty by the time I was ready to leave. I saw the keys to my new car. I knew they weren't meant for me yet, I didn't have my license. However the thrill of driving was calling my name, and no one was around to stop me. I took the keys and hopped into the car.

Ryder's Point of view

Blake and I were in the car going to school as I still hadn't found the time to fix my motorcycle and Blake was uncharacteristically quiet.

"What's wrong, dude?" I asked.

"Nothing really I was just thinking about Hailey. I mean I have dated her since she moved here in sophomore year, and yet she has never told me about her sister."

"Maybe she was just nervous about having a sister who is hotter than her," I said grinning.

"I don't know dude I might break up with her she and I just aren't happy you know?"

I stared at him but didn't respond. It was a good thing I didn't have a girlfriend. As we got to school I hopped out and instantly a bunch girls fixed their hair and glanced my way, I rolled my eyes and walked over to my two best friends, Marcus and Jake.

"Hey guys what's new?" I asked.

"Not much, I heard a new girl was starting today, rumor is she's really hot and was in prison," Jake said.

"It's true I met her yesterday her name is Harley and she is Hailey's twin sister."

"No way," Marcy said in disbelief.

"Is she as hot as Hailey?" Jake asked.

"Maybe hotter," Ryder said smirking. Just then the bell rang and we went to class

We might have been classified as troublemakers, but we were still somewhat good students. Just enough to pass our classes. The three of us went to our first period, which was math, and Harley wasn't there. I looked over at Hailey and she seemed shocked her sister wasn't here. The boys and I sat in the far back and left a seat open next to us just in case she came.

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