Chapter 7-Weekend at Harley's

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Ryder's Point of view

We both fell asleep but soon I heard Harley mumbling in her sleep.

"I don't feel that way," she mumbled.

"No what are you doing? Come back here, stop you are scaring me, come back," she pleaded.

"What are you doing here? Harley muttered in her sleep. "No stop."

I wasn't sure what to make of that or what to do. I just pulled her closer to me and held her tightly as she slowly fell asleep again. I fell back asleep soon after. Around ten am she was still asleep, but her head was on my chest so I didn't get up, instead I just pulled out my phone. Around eleven, the door opened and I stiffened as her dad walked into the room. I almost jumped out of the bed and ran, I lived next to Snow family for years now and this man still scared the living life out of me.

"Sorry sir," I said awkwardly. "I just noticed she couldn't get through the night, so I offered to sleep with her so she could get some rest without getting scared. We didn't do anything, I promise," I said a little worried and stumbling over my words, I swear he was the only guy who could intimidate me this much.

He laughed softly at me nervousness. "Don't worry about it, I guess I prefer she sleep with you then put her on sleeping pills. Just don't hurt her, okay?

"I won't try to, I promise," I said seriously.

"Good stay over whenever you want," he said as we was leaving. "Just lock the door next time," he said winking at me. I breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down.

At twelve, I was so bored I started playing with Harley's long turquoise hair and stroked her hair softly. About thirty minutes later, she woke up and smiled. A genuine smile not those fake ones she gave everyone else.

"You owe me a date," I said smiling at her. Her eyes widen and she checks the clock.

"Wow," she muttered.

"I'll be back in five minutes," I said as she got up.

I headed back to my room, quickly changed and got a pair of shoes. I used the bathroom and went back into Harley's room where she had just walked out of her bathroom.

"If I'm going on this date with you, then at least tell me where we are going," she said.

"No, but you might get wet," I said smirking. She rolled her eyes and came back 5 minutes later wearing shorts and a tank top. We went downstairs and we headed to her car.

"Listen, since I'm planning the date I get to drive," I said already running to the driver's side.

She rolled her eyes and muttered something about her driving not being that bad. She reluctantly got in the passenger seat and put on Panic! At The Disco.

"You brought me to the beach?" She said a bit annoyed as we get out of her car.

"You don't like the beach?" I said completely shocked.

"No I like swimming, I just hate sand," she said glaring at the beach as if it were trying to kill her.

"Well I have a fun afternoon planned, first we're going to go to the pier and play all the games, winner of the most games get to pick dinner, whoever finishes dinner last has to jump off the pier into the water," I say proudly.

"Okay let's do this, I love a challenge," Harley said excitedly. After a while we had played almost every game and the last game was whack-a-mole and we were tied six to six. I won the last game and gave Harley a sigh look. She just rolled her eyes and shoved me lightly. We walked to the restaurant I picked out and saw Harley's face pale.

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