Chapter 21- Choices

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Ryder's Point of View

There were decisions made everyday that impact the rest of our lives, and whether we liked it or not most of the time you couldn't undo those decisions. But sometimes even though it wasn't not your choice it still impacts you, and right here, in the school parking lot, this was a prime example.

I stayed frozen in my spot behind a car as I watched Harley and the boy, neither moved or said a word simply staring at each other. Finally Harley snapped out of it and glared at him.

"What are you doing here?" Harley asked angrily. "You can't just blow my phone up with texts like that Daniel," she said exasperatedly.

So this was Daniel, Ryder was finally seeing him in person. It was strange to put a face to the name he had heard so much about.

"Look Harley, I'm sorry," he said. "I had to get your attention, you have been ignoring me since you left."

"By sending me texts saying you were going to kill yourself if I don't meet up with you?" Harley asked angrily. "You haven't changed, Daniel."

"I'm sorry," he repeated half-heartedly.

"You're sorry? For what? It's not like you can take back the fact that you used me to escape your life, or that you let your best friends think you were dead, or that you hurt me so bad I couldn't sleep at night because of everything I went through. Are you really even that sorry?" Harley asked angrily.

"Look I am sorry you had to go to prison, but it couldn't have been that bad you're tough you could've handled it." Daniel tried. I shook my head, he was such an idiot. Harley was tough but no one deserved that.

Harley looked like she was going to cry but instead she stood up straight and looked him dead in the eye. "I never told you this because I hoped that when the four of us traveled and talked again, it would smooth everything over, but guess what? I'm still mad, I got cut, beaten up, and bullied everyday in prison. While you were out living your best life, I was stuck in prison because of you," she said clearly hurt by him.

"Look if it was that big of a deal why did you even agree to running away with me, Lucas, and Max?" Daniel asked.

"Because-" Harley's voice broke and I saw tears start to fall. "Because I hoped everything would be okay and you would still be my best friend who was kind and sweet, not like the jerk you've become," Harley said roughly. "I guess I was wrong."

Daniels's gaze softened when he realized she was crying. "Then give me a chance to prove to you I am still that guy you were best friends with," he said. "We could try again, I could be your boyfriend," he tried. My hands curled into fists when I heard that.

"No Daniel, we can't," Harley said wiping her eyes.

"What do you mean?" he asked obviously confused.

"Daniel, I don't like you that way, and at this point I just can't see myself being happy with you. Not after everything I have been through because of you."

Daniel stared at her and seemed to finally hear what she was saying. "When did you know you didn't want to be with me?" he asked quietly.

"That night we were back in Vegas when I accidentally called you Ryder. When you got mad, I knew, I just knew that I could never be with you. We just couldn't Daniel I'm sorry I can't explain it, I just knew," Harley said saying the last part in a whisper.

"So there is someone else then?" he asked. "Ryder?"

Hailey took awhile to respond but she finally nodded her head. "If he'll take me back," she said quietly.

"He'd be crazy not too," Daniel said shoving his hands into his pockets.

Hailey didn't respond.

"I hope he knows how lucky he is," Daniel said sulking a bit.

"There's someone out there for you too, Daniel," she said kindly.

He nodded. "Take care, Harley."

"You too."

She stepped back as he drove off and for awhile Harley she just stood there staring at where Daniel's car was. Eventually she turned around and faced the school. As of debating if she was going to go back in or not. She started walking toward the building while dialing someone on her phone. I felt my phone buzz. She was calling me. I didn't even both to pick up, I ran toward her.

"Harley!" I shouted.

She turned at the sound of my voice and ran toward me as well. We stood there for a moment staring at each other. Her beautiful grey eyes staring into my green ones. She finally broke the silence first.

"Ryder I'm so sorry. I left you and I was selfish and greedy and I didn't think anyone would care if I just ran way. I didn't realize that you needed me just as much as I needed you," she tried to explain.

"How do I know you won't leave me again?" I asked quietly.

"A shock collar?" she suggested.

A small smile crept onto my face as our faces got close to each other.

"I won't though, I don't need to run, everything I was searching for has been right here all along," she whispered.

I used my thumb to wipe the rear running down her cheek.

I was taking to-" she started to say but I cut her off.

"I heard everting,"I murmured as I pulled her closer to me. In that moment I knew I forgave her and I would continue to forgive her for the rest of my life, she already had my heart.

She wrapped her arms around me and when we parted I grinned.

"So, I'm pretty special huh?" I said beaming.

"Very," she whispered cracking a smile.

"Don't leave me again," I whispered.


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