Chapter 9-Smooth Sailing? HA!

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Harley's Point of View

Almost a month had gone by now since I moved here. Things had now fallen into a schedule, I was still late to school every morning, I have still never made it to a math class, I hung out with Ryder, Marcus, and Jake all the time, Hailey still tried to ruin my life, and have more detentions than I could count. I also tutored Ryder so we spent even more time together. His uncle wanted a "good influence" in his life, but I was the only tutor available. I did finally get my license and a motorcycle.

Thing were turning around for me, Ryder slept with me every night and kept my nightmares away so I could have a normal sleep schedule. I was not really sure what we would call our relationship other than that date, occasional kisses and almost-kisses we had never done anything else other than sleep together. I knew he was curious about my past but I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell him.

I was currently in Science sitting next to Ryder. We were causing trouble as usual.  "Do you think he has ten cats or twenty?" Ryder asked laughing.

"More like thirty, there's cat hair on the papers he just handed us back." I said dying of laughter.

"You keep this up and you will be kicked out of the class."  The teacher yelled furiously.

"Mr. Thomson how many cats do you-." I start3; to say but I got cut off as he kicked me and Ryder out of class.

"That was too funny," Ryder said still grinning.

"I used to pull so much stuff at my old school with my friends," I said smiling.

"Like what?" he asked. My smile dropped. He could tell I didn't want to talk about it. "You can trust me you know Harley," he said seriously. I looked at him but then the bell rang.

"I have to go to the computer lab," I mumbled.

"Harley," he said sighing. "You have to learn to trust me."

I bit my lip nervously. "I do," I said softly.

"Do you?" he asked. "Because you rarely open up to me," he pointed out.

"Well neither do you," I exclaim. "How come you're so elusive about you past?"

"That's not the point," he said.

I gave him an odd look. "Whatever I need to go to class," I say trying to leave.

"Harley," he called after me. I just kept walking. I got to class and sat down, my mind was racing a mile a minute with all the old memories from Vegas I was trying so hard to forget.

"Miss Snow, why have you not started the project?" The teacher asked.

I look up at Marcus and Jake who both had some assignment up on their computers. I hadn't even realized class had started. I wasn't even logged in. "No reason, I guess," I mumbled.

"Do you plan on doing any work today?" he asked.

I stared at him. "I was planning on it," I said my tone must have sounded sarcastic though because he looked angry.

"Get out," he said sighing.

I gave him a confused look. "So because I haven't started yet, you are going to kick me out so I don't have to work at all?" I asked. "That makes total sense."

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