Chapter 12- A New Day

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Ryder's Point of View


A whole month. January had come and gone and Harley had yet to wake up. I spent every day at the hospital waiting for her to smile at me with her crazy grin or smirk at me. Instead, I just sat and did my homework it wasn't the same without her correcting me.

The nurses gave up trying to stop me from visiting. I think someone had added me to the family list but 8
I wasn't sure who. Hailey didn't seem to care on the outside but her worry was clear for her sister every time she got a call from the hospital. Her brother Conner didn't understand what was going on but went to see Harley every Saturday with Sophie, who was now dating Jake, they seemed happy together.

I thought about their relationship a lot. How Jake was rude and just as troublesome as me, but somehow he and Sophie, these complete opposites have formed this amazing bond. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous.

I was just about to walk into Harley's room when I saw Hailey in there. I waited outside to see what was going on. Since when had she been visiting Harley?

"Hey Harley, it's me again, Hailey. Things are getting pretty bad at home. Mom barely talks to any of us now, you know I think in her own twisted way, she is doing what she thinks is best for us. I think she realizes now that the best thing she can do for us is stay away. Dad still blames himself, they were both so busy they didn't make time for you when they should have. He is trying to make up for it though, he spends a lot more time at home and hangs out with Connor a lot more now. Connor is doing okay too, he doesn't really get what happened to you so he is still his happy self. As for me, well today I didn't say a mean thing about anyone all day, so that's progress. I even complimented a girl's outfit. I'm trying hard Harley I really am. I want to be a good person for you, I am fighting so you have to fight too okay? Please?"

Hailey got up and I ducked behind a corner as she walked by. She wiped her tears off her cheeks as she passed. So Hailey does have a heart. I didn't think she even visited Harley. I moved away from the door I was hiding behind and head into the room.

"Hey Harley," I said in greeting as I sat down.

"School is still hell, but Jake and Sophie are still happy together. Jake and Marcus are all passing classes for once, thanks to Sophie. I am not but that's nothing new, and Conner and Hailey are fine." I explained to her keeping her updated on her life.

I started my homework and stayed with her until I finished. I wished she was here to correct it and smile as she fixed my mistakes. I packed my bag and stood up, before I left I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"I miss you, Harley. Please you have to wake up soon."

Harley's Point of View

I woke up with a bunch of needles and tubes attached to me. I started to panic as wiggled around and realized I was in a hospital. A heart monitor started beeping like crazy and a nurse rushed in. She pressed a button and bunch of people started pouring into the room. Everyone started removing tubes and taking vitals. It was starting to freak me out. Finally, I must have been stable enough for them to stop worrying and I was able to focus my thoughts.

"Can you tell us your name?" one of the doctors asked.

"Harley," I replied weakly.

The doctor breathed a sigh of relief. "Harley you have been in unconscious for a little over a month. It is now February. Now I don't want you to worry."

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