Chapter 17- Reunions

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Harley's Point of View

As soon as I opened the door I was greeted by all my siblings.

"Hey guys," I said.

Connor smiled as he hugged me, Matt grinned, and it was clear Hailey couldn't even contain her excitement.

"You jerk, you left me for three months, I hate you," Hailey squealed hugging me.

"Okay?" I said laughing.

"Sophie is going to kill me, she wanted to see you first," Hailey said smiling.

"I missed you Hailey," I said grinning.

She smiled at me and I knew everything was good between us. We didn't have to say it out loud.

"I'll never understand you two," Matt said shaking his head. "It's like you're communicating in your own language."

I went over and hugged him as well. "I missed you too."

"Dude, you got me in so much trouble with dad, when I told him you left he went crazy, but we all knew you would come back," he said ruffling my hair. I smiled and swatted his hand away.

"Come on know me I like to cause trouble," I said laughing.

"So what's new with you guys?" I asked Hailey and Matt.

"Well I'm good. I graduated and I got job near here that-" Matt start3: to say but he was quickly interrupted by Hailey.

"I'm dating Marcus and I know he was your friend first and I should not have done it after what happened with Daniel and I'm so sorry and I'm a horrible person and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness." Hailey said all in one breath.

Matt sensing the potential tension starting to build, went over to Connor and played with him.

I took a deep breathe processing what she told me. I wanted to be mad, but as much as I was annoyed, I missed my sister even more. "Look Hailey it's okay, seriously I'm done holding grudges and fighting all the time I really do want to move on from all this and if you want to date Marcus that's fine."

Both Hailey and Matt, who was obviously listening in, look completely shocked.

"Well Harley, that's extremely mature of you," Matt said grinning.

"Yeah well I'm trying. I really am, I want to put in an effort, with school, friends and most importantly my family," I said smiling at them.

"Harley stop you're making me look like such a bad sister," she said beaming.

"You do that on your own," I said smiling.

"Shut up Harley." Hailey said rolling her eyes.

"Hey guys the Red Socks game is starting," Matt called from the living room. We all gathered around the television and watched the game, ate food, and spent time as a family, something we hadn't done in a long time. As I sat there with my siblings I smiled maybe I could really do this, actually try and maybe I would go to college next year.

After the game we all headed to our rooms, but Hailey and I went to her room so we could talk for a little. "How do you keep your hair healthy?" Hailey asked as I sat down on her couch. .


"Yeah I mean you have dyed it so many times in like six months."

"Oh well you know the hair stylist we used to go to in Vegas? He gave me this shampoo that keeps your hair healthy," I said shrugging.

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