Chapter 5- She Can Sing

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Harley Point of view

"Ryder why did you get in a car with her? She could have killed you." Hailey said angrily as we passed her on the stairs.

"Well I've been through worse." Ryder responded trying to defend me.

"Well she killed someone before who's to say she won't do it again?"

"Yes sure whatever, thanks for that captain obvious, now Hailey if I'm not allowed on your floor you are most certainly not allowed on my floor." I said pushing past her.

Hailey frowned. "Ryder why are you even here? Blake didn't come over," she said crossing her arms.

He glanced over at me, but I just shrugged my shoulders. "Uh well I was gonna hang out with Harley to work on a piece for music class. You see we needed a female singer."

"Oh well I can sing for you" Hailey squeals excitedly.

Harley snorts, "Hailey they need a singer not a squeaky rat."

"Lets have contest, winner gets to sing," Hailey said ignoring me.

"Fine, whatever, let's just get this done." I said bored out of my mind.

Hailey sang horribly because she can't sing. The entire time she belted Taylor Swift, I wondered how she could have possibly gotten worse in the past two years. When it is my turn, I started to sing, "Little so you Know" by Alex and Sierra.

After I finished Ryder looked relived I could actually sing and Hailey just pouted about how she wasn't ready.

"Yeah sure." I said rolling my eyes.

"Whatever I didn't want to sing with Ryder anyway," she said as she stormed away.

I smiled to myself, I totally won that. When dinner was ready, and Ryder had left. I made my way downstairs and sat at the table.

"So, Conner how was your day?" I asked.

"Good, I played with sand today!" He said excitedly.

"So Harley, Hailey told me you missed basically all your classes and you got 3 detentions today." She says obviously angry at me.

I glared at Hailey who sat smugly next to Mom. My father was busy so it was just the four of us tonight it was two against one. My mom studied me for a mom and noticed my leg shaking and my eye bags.

"Did you take your meds this morning? Why are you such a mess today?"

"Because they don't work and they never will." I said angrily.

"Look mom there go her anger issues again. Maybe she should go back to anger management again too." Hailey said smirking.

"You don't know anything. You two are the cause of all my problems just leave me alone!" I furiously yelled and with that I ran up to my room and locked the door.

My mom should have realized by now what she put me through, my whole life was constant embarrassment from her, everything I did was wrong, it was never enough for her, she would always be angry with me.

Hailey was just a copy of her, yet somehow, she was worse. She did everything I did, she had to have everything I had, and if she didn't get what she wanted she would find a way to ruin whatever she wanted so no one else could have it. I always told myself when she got older she would become less like my mother but I was starting to lose hope she would change at all.

I changed into a Led Zeppelin shirt and black sweatpants and sat on my balcony. I grabbed my cigarettes and lighter. Right now it was the only thing that was going to calm me down.

I look at Blake and Ryder's house next to us. The balconies were so close mine was only a small gap to theirs. I looked across and saw that Ryder was in the room across from mine. Our eyes met but I, not wanting to talk, put out my cigarette and get into bed.

I grabbed my pencils and draw in my sketchbook. It was a face, a very familiar one, my best friend. It haunts me everyday, the face is wherever I go, and the reason for my insomnia. I went to prison because I was accused of murdering my best friend. I could barely sleep because of it and tonight was no exception.

Around one in the morning I fell asleep but that was when the nightmares started. I was on the roof of a building, emotions running through me hate, anger, guilt, but mostly love. Then the bad part started, I saw those blue eyes fall off the roof and the cops coming. I got thrown into a cell but all I could see were those gorgeous blue eyes that would haunt me forever.

I woke up around two screaming, my dad came in after unlocking the door and stared at me sadly as I cried in my bed with the blankets everywhere and lastly his eyes settle on my drawing on the floor.

"I'll get those sleeping pills tomorrow," he said and quietly walked out of the room. Sometimes my dad was exactly like my mom and sometimes he was like the dad I used to know caring, sweet, and funny. I used to be his little princess until prison, even when I got in trouble at school he would always buy me ice cream and cheer me up. I miss that part of him. Ever since I came back he looks at me like he doesn't know whether to be happy I'm back home or try to mold me into a good kid.

I woke up again around five and couldn't go back to sleep. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I put my hair in a high ponytail and I put on black ripped skinny jeans, my black boots, a dark grey shirt, and my black leather jacket. I didn't bother with makeup today. I saw it was six when I was ready and I decided to go out for a bit. I grabbed my bag and got in the car I'm still not supposed to drive and go to a tattoo place.

I walked in and the lady looked at me already knowing I was too young to be here. "Listen, if I tell you my parents said it was okay and give you an extra hundred, will you give me the tattoos I want?"

"Sure what do you want?" she says.

"A black broken heart on my right upper forearm, a dream catcher on my left rib, on my wrist I want a infinity symbol, and on my ankle the word  'try'."

She nodded and got to work, it was painful but I've felt worse. When I was done I paid and left. I headed to school and realize I missed first period again. Whatever I don't need math, I may not look like it but I'm extremely smart. In prison, I had a lot of free time and I used to read the older people's textbooks out of pure boredom.

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