chapter one

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disclaimer i own only my own storyline

warning this story contains adult themes.

rachel berry was in her new dorm having been dropped off at dalton acadamy while most teens mightbhate the idea of leaving their friends and going to a boarding school rachel relished it she didnt fit in at mckinley because she had dreams the other students just couldnt understand whereas dalton was all about the performing arts everyone here had dreams like hers. she hadnt even met another student yet but she felt at home in the wooden surrounded room that was to her sanctuary. thw one thing she was pleased about was she didnt need to share a dorm because people always made fun of her skin care routine.

rachel unpacked the suitcases shechad brought all four of them because rachel berry doesnt travel light.

after she unpacked she heared the lunch time bell ring and she was hungry while it was daunting as she didnt know anyone she loved a challenge and so she smile at her room before leaving it and heading in the direction the others were walking.

"hello there"a voice said

"oh hello im rachel...."rachel started to say

"berry i know" he said

" and you are" rachel asked

" hunter clarington its my first day to shall we stick together"he said

"okay"rachel said he had a warm smile though a slightly evil look to him not in a bad way it actually excited her.

they walked down the halls of dalton to the di ing room which had six long wooden tables they made their way to the line of students waiting to be served.

"after you"hunter said letting her go infront of him

"thank you"rachel said

"is it just us that are new"rachel asked

"it is i led my military acadamy to a regionals win with presidential honours next thing i knew i was been offered a full scholarship here"hunter said

"i was offered a full scholarship too after the head saw meperform at my high schools regionals"rachel said

"i know thruth is i knew of you when i was at the acadamy in colarado springs your a show choir legend"he said

they got their food and went to sit down.

"are you clarington"a boy asked hunter a boy rachel thought had the most amazing eyes

"yes"hunter replied

"im sebastian smythe im the captain of the warblers" sebastian said

"oh good i was hoping to join the warblers and allow me to introduce miss rachel berry"hunter said rachel could tell he had military trainging with how he spoke she was surprised to have been addressed like that.

"well you can audition on friday" sebastian said but didnt say anything else

" thank you"hunter said rachel felt alittle awkward as sebastian had not said anything about her or to her.

"hello" a guy said sitting next to her

" hey" rachel replied

" im blaine anderson" the guy said

" rachel berry" she replied

" i know i saw you at your regionals your amazing" blaine said

" thank you"rachel said

"oh finally another girl" a girl said arriving next to blaine

"im marley  one of the only two other girls here"marley said

"there is only three of us"rachel said

"yeah the other girl is called tina"marley said

"wow" rachel said

" are you joining the warblers"marley asked rachel looked at sebastian who was more interested in his food than talking.

"im not sure"rachel said

"you have too"a guy sat next to sebastian said

"calm down thad its her first day dont overwhelm her"blaine said

"well maybe"rachel said she noticed blaine looking puzzled at sebastian

"well given your both new how about i give you a tour"blaine said to her and hunter

"thats good be great"rachel said

"yeah thanks its nice to know some guys here are respectful"hunter said to blaine but looking at sebastian clearly hunter had noticed sebastian blank rachel.

" i will come too" marley said getting up as they finished their food

as they were leaving she heared the guy sat ob the other side of sebastian say " what the hell smythe"

after the tour rachel had forgotton about the events of lunch the stunning acadamy and its facilities had blown her way.

rachel decided to gead back to her dorm to put some other thing away like her bag of toileties and stuff as she was soing that there was a knock on her door sne opened it to find marley and another girl who must be tina she thought.

"hey"rachel said

"i came here to say hello"tina said

"and i came to say sorry for my brother"marley said

"your brother" rachel said

" yeah sebastian can be so rude at times" marley said

" he is your brother" rachel asked

" yep"marley said

"and dont worry him shunning you is actually flattering he does that when he likes a girl"tina said

"what"rachel asked baffled

"she is right dont take it personally"marley said

" god if he is like that when he likes someone what he like when he doesnt" rachel said

" look its just because he wont want to talk to you infront of the other guys"marley said

"wish he would shun me"tina said

"plus he was likely to have been jealous of hunter he is top dog her a d hunter introducing you might have annoyed him as it impiled he didnt know who you were"marley said rachel was now more confused than ever.

" anyway we will let you settle in just want to meet you" tina said as she and marley left.

rachel shut her door thinking things over she didnt like games and it seemed to her sebastian was trying to play and she wasnt gonna give in to it.

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