chapter five

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rachel is waiting in her dorm for hunter their are having their first date in her dorm whilevrachel isnt sure thats the best location for their first date but as dalton is a boarding school there isnt many places you can have privacy from the other students.

not long after she finishes getting ready hunter arrives he has brought some food from the dining room plus a flask filled with juice.

"wow rachel you look lovely"he said rachel couldnt help but blush then again it was the first time he had seen her in anything other than her dalton uniform which while making the guys look hot it didnt do anything for her petit figure.

" thank you your looking very handsome"rachel said

hunter hadnt just brought the food he had brought a portable dvd player for them to watch a movie together.

the food was lovely hunter was very attentive though his taste in movies sucked rachel thought as all his dvds her either blood and guts or violent action movies there wasnt a classic or romance movie among them.
as the bell rang signalling it was time that all students had to be in their dorms rachel and hunter packed up the food.

" well rachel i have had a lovely time i hope we can do this again sometime" hunter said and he leaned in to kiss her she found herself kissing back.

after he had left rachel got ready for bed thinking over the date it had been a goid date she thought better than dates with finn had been while she hadnt enjoyed the movie he was sweet and they had a lot in common and had had quite a laugh. plus she wasnt fooling herself it was nice to have his attention given she had along with sebastian made a fool of herself infront of the whole school so it was nice to know hunter wasnt judging her.


after a busy day of math history drama vocal class and ballet it was time for her first ever warbler practise she wasnt sure if she wanted to be a warbler or not she knew she needed it on her cv for nyada but it meant spe ding time with sebastian and while he had said sorry she felt with his personality and hers they would clash again.

rachel made her way to the warbler council room and was pleased that tina and marley. ame over to her and two warblers that she didnt yet know moved so that the three girls could sit down on one of the couches. hunter smiled at her from the other cou h it was as she sat down she looked at saw a slightly amused looking sebastian stood up infront of them all looking at her with a smirk on his face.

" right then now that we arw all here i think i need to make somethings quite clear i realise ove rthe last couple of weeks i made a point about sexism and because of that i would be wrong to not adhere to what i believed so strongly about" sebastian said looking at rachel who found herself looking back at him.

" so i have decided that the opening song at our sectionals will be performed by marley tina and rachel" sebastian said marley was excited as was tina rachel wondered what he was up to the rest of the warblers clapped.

" yes warbler clarington"sebastian said as hunter had raised his hand

"now that we have the one and only miss bwrry with us i hink it would be a shame if we didnt figure out which one of us can vocally keep up with her for a duet i would love to sing with her" hunter said smiling at rachel

" actually i hioed you would work with marley" sebastian said

"marley but you never let us sing with your sister" thad piped up

"well i changed my mind" sebastian said

" no offence your sister is a great singer but i really would love to partner rachel in a duet" hunter said

"i dont see it" sebastian said

" pardon" hunter asked

" you and rachel i dont see it" sebastian said

" but..." hunter said

"but in the captain and i think you should sing with marley blaine you with tina and as for rachel i will sing with her. " sebastian said rachel was shocked as were many of the others as the gaspes filled the room.

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