chapter eight

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the next day rachel felt she owed sebastian an appology well a small oneafter all he wa right hunter had put his hands on her sebastian hadnt.

she looked around for him at school during the day but she didnt see him he wasnt in the lunch room he wasnt in the warbler room she as aftaully starting to get worried to the point she decided to go to her dorm put her stuff away and go see the warblers and see if they had seen him and if not to get them to look for him after all she knew hunter was pissed off with him and that hunter hand a bad temper.

as rachel let herself into her dorm she was shocked to see sebastian sat on her bed waiting for her he looked somewhat dishevelled she couldnt help but think he looked hot like that.

"hey" he said as she shut the door

" i have been looking for you" rachel said

" really" he asked he seemed genuinely surprised by that

" yes i was getting worried" rachel said

" awe you were worried about me im touched" he said with a smile on his face

" why are you in here"rachel asked

"i need to ask you something i need your help"he said

"oh okay"rachel said

"i dont know what to do about hunter i partnered him with my sister and now i know he has such a temper and i dont want her alone wih him plus he hates me so how do i know he wont take it out on her he tuck it out on you" sebastian said

" i want to run tjis idea by you so hear me out i think i should duet with marley"rachel said

"but..."he started to say

"look your worried about matley been alone with him and im worried about how he would behave if we sung together. maybe in a few weeks we could duet but he might think we are rubbing it in his face" rachel said

" i guess i can see your point" he said

" good" rachel said

" so im gonna go out on a limb and say your budding romance with him is over" sebastian said

" yes" rachel said

" good"he said

"well i have a lot of homework to do so" rachel said

" oh you want me to leave" he said getting up

" i need to get started i didnt do any last night" rachel said

" niether did i tell you what i will go get my work book and join you we can have a study session together" sebastian said before walking to her door.

rachel was stood in shock she hadnt intended to spend time woth him she had said about homework to get him to leave as she wanted to alone with her thoughts.

in no time at all sebastian was back with his books he sat on her bed at the end near her desk as she sat down on the chair infront of her desk.

they spent an hour doing their math homework then did a little of their latin work before it was time for dinner.

rachel fwlt people were looking as they walked out of her room and they headed to the dining room once she had gotton her food she went and sat between marley and blaine sebastian sat opposit her.

" so i have been thinking and i think you should sing with rachel marley" sebastian said

" why" marley asked sebastian looked like he was trying to think of something to say

" i asked i love your voice and i told him i would love to sing with you"rachel said

"okay but hunter and i gave worked really hard"marley said

"dont worry about him"sebastian said rather quickly

"whats going on why are you two agreeing with each other its freaking me out"marley said rachel and sebastian shared a look

"hunter has a bad temper and i dont want you around him"sebastian said

" im not a little girl anymore tell him rachel he cant twll me who i can and cant hang around with" marley said

" well marley i witnessed hunter's temoer and if you were my sister i wouldnt want you near him either" rachel said

" whats going on" blaine asked rachel showed then the bruises on her arms

"oh my god did you tell the headmaster"blaine asked

"no"rachel said

"why did he do that" marley asked

" because i kissed rachel" sebastian said marley smiled then tried to looked shocked

" but why would that make him mad" marley asked

" because i had been on a date with him and planned to go on another" rachel said.

" so are you two dating now"marley asked

"no"rachel said then she saw sebastian giving her a funny look

"what"rachel asked him

"well i thought we sort of were"he said

"how could you think that you kissed me i ran off you told the guy i was sort of dating about it he hurt me you then broke into my room and then we studied together what part of that did you think as a relationship" rachel asked confused

" well the kiss and then the alone time in your room" he said

" i didnt kiss you back and you picked the lock amd let yourself in then invited yourself to study" rachel said

" you sound like my mom and dad" blaine said

" what" rachel asked

" i just mean the way your talking to each other its like an old married couple its funny" blaine said

" and back to what you were asking your unwilling to go on a date with me so i am teyingnto work around that" sebastian said rachel looked at him

" what" she asked

" i want to go on a date with you but you wont let me ask you so i figured if we spent time together you might eventually agree"-he said

" but" rachel said

" why are you so surprised why do you think i told hunter in the first place it was because i didnt want you to date him"sebastian said

"then why were you been a dick when i first met you"rachel asked

"because i was trying to impress you"he said

"impress me you ignored me"rachel said

"admit it didnt have he desired effect" sebastian said rachel could see both marley and blaine were enthralled by their conversation.

" look lets finish dinner and talk in private okay" sebastian added seeing her looking uncomfortable.

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