chapter twelve

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as rachel is laid ontop of her bed with sebastian whilst watching a horror movie called paranormal activity 3 ahe is laid cuddled up to him.

about half way through the movie sebastian has started getting bored lf the film and as started to kiss her cheek and rachel doesnt mind in the slightest.

as he gets to work kissing her cheek and down her neck rachel loses interest in the film as she cant focus on anything other than sebastian's tongue. she turns her head and they kiss which gets heated and lasts until their need air.

they lay looking into each others eyes for a few minutes before sebastian moves her hair out of the way of her ear and starts to nibble on her ear lope rachel cant help thr moans from escaping her lips she had never had anybody do that before and it felt amazing.

(fire alarm starts)

they pull apart and sit up both a little flustered

" we best get out" rachel said and they both got up and headed to the door to find it packed with students making their way outside to the area they had been told to go to in the event of the fire alarm going off.

once outside marley is clearly very shaken though its not clear why but she sees sebastian and flings herself into her brothers arms.

" hey marley whats the matter" sebastian asked worried

" it was me" marley said

" it was you what was you what are you talking about" sebastian asked pulling her away from the others alittle rachel followed them.

" the alarm it was me who set it off" marley said

" okay why" sebastian said

"i was in my dorm and i remembered that i borrowed a library book that needed to be returned so i went to do that only on my wy back i heared someone talking and your name was said i listened i was coming from the art classroom it was hunter he was on his cell talking about you" marley said

" what was he saying" sebastian asked looking at rachel

" he said that you were gonna pay for stealing rachel from him he said if he couldnt have her nobody could hen i dont know what the person onnthe phone said to him but he replied if i have to get rid of him too then i willi think he was gonna try to hurt you rachel and you to seb" marley  said crying

" its okay" he said trying to console her as he looked and saw hunter watching him rachel shuffled  closer to sebastian as hunter turned his gaze to her.

" he was gonna go to your dorm room to see if you were together i knew that you were so i needed to worn ypu but my cell was on charge i my dorm so i ws making my way to your dorm when he over took me so i needed to stop him so i set off the alarm" marley said

" you did good" sebastian said

" hello" hunter said feom behind them they had lost sight of him in the crowd of students

" look we dont want any trouble" sebastian said

" its too late for that smythe yoy took what was mine and that isnt acceptable" hunter said

" its your own fault for getting violent" sebastian said

" and for that i am sorry rachel but he caused it" hunter said

" look you had one date with her its not like you two were serious " sebastian said

" so its serious between the two of you is it so does that mean you put out for him then" hunter said

" none of your buisness" sebastian said

" at first i was gonny try and win you back but now he has had his hands all over you i dont want you"hunter said

"good then you  can just let it go " rachel said

"nope the two pf you have made me look a fool " hunter said

"you do a good job by yourself "sebastian said thennhunter looked at marley sebastian tightened his arm around her and rachel stood closer to her.

"ofcourse if i really want to hurt you smythe i know there is. ore than one girl in your life who you care about" hunter said sebastian lwt go of marley and stepped close to hunter so that their noses were almost touching.

" dont you dare try to hurt my sister" sebastian said rachel hugged marley to her

" its funny but i think im gonna enjoy myself at dalton because you know im here and you cant quite be sure which of these two pretty ladies i might target" hunter said before walking off

"oh my god what are we gonna do"marley asked

" tell the headmaster" blaine's  oice said they all turned round to look at him

" did you hear him" rachel asked

" i did more than hear him i recorded him on my phone we play that to the head he is outta of here" blaine said and with that the four of them made their way through the crowd which was now making their way back inside as the school had been declared safe.

after finding the headmastwr nd playing blaine's recording hunter was immediately expelled from dalton and after walking markey back to her dorm and saying goodbye to blaine rachel and sebastian headed back to her dorm room.

" well that was exciting atleast we are rid of him now" sebastian said once they were in her room

" yeah thanks to marley and blaine" rachel said

" yeah" he said pulling her into a cuddle

" so"rachel said

"it was scary i admit that but its okay now"he said seeing her face

" i cant believe how nice he seemed at first then now its like he is two different people " rachel said

"never judge a book by its cover" sebastian said

" there was one thing he said that made me think though" rachel said cuddling up to him

" really" sebastian said he seemed confused

" yeah he said about  you having your hands all over me and gou havent" rachel said

" i know that but he didnt" sebastian said

" i know that it's just i want you too" rachel sakd sebastian looked ather for a minute like he was trying to figure out if he hd heared her correctly.

"so what are you saying you want my hands all over you" he asked rachel didnt bother to reply she simply kissed him.

"well your in luck i can arrange it right now" he said

" good"rachel said as they begun kissing with passion while making their way to her bed.

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