chapter eleven

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monday morning and rachel is juat leaving her dorm to head for breakfast when suddenyl arms wrap round her waist.

" good morning sugar plum" sebastian said

" morning" she said as other students were looking at them with amused expression

" seriously you dont have nickname for me" sebastian saod letting go of her as they set off to the dining hall

" well we have had one date" rachel said

" one and a half dates im still counting the practice session" sebastian said as tney entered the dining hall

"honestly "rachel laughed as they went to get there food before sitting with the warblers

"so " blaine said looking at them

" so what " sebastian said buttering some toast

"well are you two a thing now" blaine asked as marley arrived at the table with a smile on her face

"yes " sebastian said

"so you finally got her to agree to go out with you " marley said

"yes i have finally managed to woo her " sebastian said

"woo me exactly which of bit of it was wooing me the arguing the competition or the avoiding"rachel asked though she was smiling

"all of it im a complex  guy " sebastian said

" so rachel i was wondering of you would help me tonight on a solo i have been working on" marley asked

"sure" rachel said

" but you best do it after classes finish for the day its our next date tonight " sebastian said

"awe"marley said

"yes marley rachel and are quite adorable" sebastian said

"your certainly more pleasant " blaine said to him

" ouch Anderson "sebastian said

"so what you doing tonight then"marley asked

" well we will be in her dorm " sebastian said  marley gave rachel a surprised look

"he keeps letting himself into my room atleast this time he will have been invited"rachel said

later that day

as rachel made her way to marley's dorm to help her with her solo she knocked on the door and was surprised sebastian opened it.

"hey"he said pulling into the room and kissing her.

" hey"rachel said

"right then seb can you leave i need to practice " marley said

"fine but i will see you later rach"he said turning to leave only as he did his blazer caught a magazine which was on her desk as the magazine fell two condoms fell out of it.

sebastian had already bent to pick up the magazine when he saw them it was fair to say from his expression that he was seeing red.

" marley" he said glaring at his sister

"its not what you think " marley said

"oh really so i havent just found condoms in my little sisters room"he snapped rachel didnt know what to do or say

"seb please listen to me" marley said

"oh im gonna lisyen i demand answers"he said

"its..." she started to say

"who is it who is trying to get into your pants"he demanded to know

"nobody"marley said

"marley dont lie to me"he said

"there for you " marley said rachel was shocked

"what " sebastian said

"i had permission to go to the store to get womems things and after you said your gonna be in rachel's dorm i tnought maybe you were planning to well you know so i got them for you" marley said

" oh" sebastian said not looking at rachel oh my rachel thought did that mean he was expecting something to happen tonight.

"wait a minute they come in packs of three " sebastian said looking at the two in his hand

" it must still be inside the magazinec" marley said as after a quick look he found the third one

"right then im sorry i yelled at you "he said

"i thought you trusted me more than that"marley said

"im sorry i will leave you two to do what you need to do and rach i will see you later " sebastian said then lef

"im sorry " marley said

"its okay but just so we are clear i wasnt planning to sleep with him tonight i havent known him long enough for that " rachel said marley smiled.

the two girls manged to put the awkward moment behind them and focused on marley's solo which ws how can i not love you by joy enriques ( theme song to anna and the king an amazing song)

" your voice is incredible" rachel said to marley

"coming from you thats a huge compliment "marley said as rachel left.

as rachel walked back to her own dorm she left nervous about seeing sebastian now after what had happened earlier as she let herself into her dorm sebastian was sat waiting for her.

"oh hey" rachel said awkwardly

"hey"he said

" well this is awkward but it shouldn't be rach it was her who got them i didnt know about it im not expecting anything. im too worried about marley been pressured to pressure you" he said

" good" rachel said

" so then how about we get our date going then" he said showing her he had brought some horror dvds.

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