chapter ten

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as rachel is in her dorm getting ready for her date with sebastian she cant help but feel nevous plus the fact that s
students had to remain in uniform at all times during the week meant she couldnt dress up but she had put alotl of effort into her hair and make up.

(nock on the door)

rachel goes and opens the door to find sebastian stood grinning at her its wierd she thought that grin used to piss her off now truth be told it excited her.

" shall we princess" he said offering his arm for her to link

" i thougt i was meeting you in the warbler room" rachel said as she took his arm

" you were but i know what your like you might not have turned up so i figured i shouls come get you and if need must drag you kicking and screaming"he said with a chuckle

"drag me kicking and screaming do you think thst would be the best basis for a date"rachel asked as they walked through the acadamy

"yes i am quite determined to date you wether you like it or not" he said

" charming" rachel laughed

" thank you i try my best" he said as they arrived outside the warbler room he opened the door and let her in first she saw he had brought food like he had when thry were practicing.

he led her to a cushion for her to sit down and then sat opposite her

"so your first stroke second date as begun" he said

" it has" rachel said

" juat so we are clear will i be getting forst or second date privileges afterwards" he asked rasing an eye brow at her

" you will be getting nothing if you keep expecting anything"rachel said

"if i can work with if"he chuckled handing her a platter of ham sandwiches

"thank you"rachel said as she tuck one.

"so what do you think of dalton then"he asked

"im not sure what to make of it to be honest "rachel said he nodded

"well i will help you settle in" he said

" your one of the reasons i havent" rachel said

" i know you have been thinking about me and its distracting i have that effect"he said

"shut up " rachel giggled

"what was your old shool like" he asked.

" not great" rachel said

" you said you were bullied" he said

" yeah" rachel said

" can i ask why" he asked

" a few reasons really lwts face it not many people our age love broadway and also i dated a guy at school called fin hudson but before me he dated the head cheerleader she hated me for dating him and then he dumped me to bet back with her so she wanted to rub it in and as head cheerleader she had everyone on herside" rachel said

" thats not nice it must have been hard" he said rachel felther eyes fill up

"hey forget it rachel they dont mean anything anymore your here because your amazing screw them" he said having reached over and squeezed her hand

" im sorry" she said feeling embarrassed

" dont be its not your fault  they are in your past now your here to work on your future and important things like me"he said wanting and getting a faint smile.

"can we change the subject "she asked

"ofcourse"he said

"well go on"she said

"fravorite animal "he asked

"dog"she said

"me too"he said

" your close to marley" she said

" yeah i am im vwry protective of her do you have any siblings " he said

" no im an only child" she said

" well your parwnts achieved perfection the first ime why would the have another child" he said

" god you really are after something arent you" she said

" yes" he said

"how can you be so confident "she asked

"because i know your gonna give in"he said rachel was stunned

"your wrong if you think im just gonna..." rachel started to say

" who said anything about sex rachel i merely believe the nigt will end with a littls fun" he said

" fravorite pizza topping" rachel asked to change the subject

" chicken and mushroom" he said

" chicken and ham for me" she said

the rest of the date was spent talking about their dreams and their childhoods and afterwards sebastian walked her back to her dorm and they both went inside.

"so"he said once in her dorm

"so"she said feeling nervous  he walked to her and kissed her she kissed bsck and they stood makeout for a few minutes.

then sebastian tuck her hadn and raised to his face anx was stood staring at it rachel wondered what he was doing

" why you looking at my hand like that" she asked

" well once im in my dorm im gonna be pretending my hand is yours so i wanna be abale to see it in my mi d" he said before kissing her once mors though she hardly kissed back as what he had said and shocked her.

" so rachel i will see you tomorrow and we will discuss when and where to have are next date" he said kissing her once more before turning and walking out of her dorm leaving a slightly shocked and blushing rachel stood there.

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