chapter two

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as rachel was making her way to her first class which was math she had gotton lost be thNkfully had found a teacher who gave her directions.

as she arrived in the classroom she saw sebastian she looked round for hunter but he wasnt there niether was marley or tina.

" ah miss berry welcome to dalton here is your work book now please find a seat" the teacher said

the problem was the only seat left was at the table sebastian was sat at so rachel did what rachsl does when people piss her off she stuck her chin up and walked over to the table and sat down refusing to be intimidated.

" hey" thad said to her

" hello to you" rachel said

" hi am nick" the other guy at the table said he was the one who had sat next to sebastian yesterday

"rach"she said

"so what do you make of dalton" nick asked her

" well so far so good although some people seem alittle full of themselves" rachel said sebastian didnt look up at her but he pouted so she knew that he knew she was talking about him.

" a wealthy performing arts school  cant be without a few snobs" thad said

" i guess your right" rachel said

" so  you should audition for the warblers" nick said sebastian looked at nick

" nicks right we need another girl i the group you wont let anyone sing with your zister and tina is shy and wont duet with anyone rachel here seems to have confidence" thad said

" you want to sing wih my sister" sebastian said to him

" no im just saying having a girl who would duet wih us would be a big bonus for us" thad said

" you dont even know if she can sing" sebastian said

" she got in here because of her voice"nick piped up.

" fine auditions are on friday" sebastian said sounding quite put out

" so you will audition" nicm asked her

"if i can find the time" rachel said.

the next class she was pleased tina was in it was french class.

" so how you finding your first day" tina asked her

" i like it" rachel said

" you dont sound that happy" tina said

" what is sebastian's problem with me he ignored be then spoke but it was like i wasnt even there" rachel said

" look sebastian is an ass there is no denying that but dont take it personally" tina said.


rachel made her way to the headmasters office she wanted to ask him somethingnwhich she had gotton the idea off the previous day.

after speaking wih him and him agreeing rachel made her way to the warbler council room where auditupions would be taking place.

" your late" sebastian said as she walked in

" yes i know that" rachel answered

" well its not the best impression to make is it" he replied

" i was wih the headmaster i wanted to talk to him about somethinnand he has agreed with me" rachel said now having the attention of the whole room.

" well dont keep  me in suspence"sebastian said mockingly

" well as i am here there are now the girls and i asked if it would be possible for us girls to form a trio he agreed so now i want to ask marley and tina if they would rather stick with you guys or form a trio with me" rachel said tina jumped up and ran over to ner excitedly marley was torn after all sebastian was her brother. sebastian looked angry rachel had to admit she was quite unnerved.

" so does that mean we wont be singing together" thad asked

" i was looking forward to singing with you" hunter said

" well as condition of the trio if a proformance requires a duet we will happily sing with you but we are our own group and we have our own rules" rachel said and with that she turned and exited the warbler room followed by the two other girls.

" right firstly we need a name"rachel said as they walked into an empty class room

" im so excited" tina said

" are you okay" rachel asked marley

" yeah" marley said with a smile.


at dinner that evening rachel sat with marley and tina and hunter joined them.

" welldone rachel you really surprised us all" hunter said with a chuckle

" thank you i didnt wqnt to have to do it but i came here to sing and he wasnt making it easy" rachel said but then felt bad for saying it infront of marley.

" its okay seb is strong willed though your the firat to go up against him" marley said

five minutes later rachel saw marley and tina exchange looks rachel turned and saw sebastian stood next to her chair.

" well berry your not the only one who can talk to the headmaster i went to tell him how i thought your little plot was rather sexist and he agrees with me so next friday you are to perform infront of the entire acadamy and all the teachers will vote and if your good yhen you will be able to continue your littlw bra burning scheme if however they vote against you your trio will be perminatly disbanded and while marley and tina will be allowed to rejoin us you will only be allowed to audition if i say so" sebastian said

" thats fine" rachel said sebastian seemed shocked at her reply

" really" he said partonisinly

" yeah it will do is good to get on a stage and really see what we can do" rachel said and with tht he turned and walked away. god he was annoying rachel thought sexy as hell but annoying.

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