chapter thirteen

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author notice

hi guys thank you for reading and supporting this story this will be the last chapter of this story. i have a few other stories im writing currently plus some new ones that will be published over the next few weeks.

as rachel laid in her bed cuddled up to sebastian after making love they were both quiet both happy and contented in each others arms.

" you okay" he asked wiping sweat off her forehead

" im great are you" she asked

" im great to it was amazing wasnt it." he asked

" it was" rachel said and they kissed

" you got some stamina for a petit girl" he said

" thank you" rachel said giggling

" so you dont regret it" sebastian said he looked serious to her

" no why would i" rachel asked

" well its just i was thinking of ways that we might you know for the first time and i wanted to make it special" sebastian said

" it was special it was with it couldn't have been more special " rachel said

" good" he said looking into her eyes before they kissed again which became quite heated

" you wanna"he asked

"oh yeah"rachel said

an hour later they were once again laid cuddled up he was gently stroking her breasts while she played with his hair.

"so rach shall we play a game"he asked

"a game"she asked feling a little nervous

"yes i though we could each ask each other questions we have to answer them ourselves too " sebastian said

" okay" rachel said

" seen as it was my idea i will go first so my first question is ave you ever broken the law my answer is yes i have i had a food fight in a takeaway with some friends we really messed the placs upbut as the cops came my friends fled only i slipped on the ketchup with we had squirted and fell over i got a public disorder charge" he said

" i have never been in trouble with the law but some hoe i wasnt all that surprised by your answer" rachel said

" yes i can be be naughty when i want to be but you found that out ten minutes ago didnt you" he said kissing her

" okay my question is what is your guilty pleasure " rachel asked

" you have to answer first" he said

" okay i love eminem " rachel sais sebastian looked shocked

" so do i but you miss musical love the rap god i never would have thought" sebastian said

" he is a lyrical genius anyway answer the question " rachel said

" alright miss bossy" he said

" well go on then" she giggled

" my guilty pleasure is reading comic books with a flashlight under my bed sheets" he said

" awe your adorable" rachel said

"i am " he said

"which is your fravorite comic book"rachel asked

"the flash"he said

"never heared of it" rachel said

"yeah i love it i hope one day thst they make a tv showof it"he said

"we could watch it together "rachel said

"we sure could"he said

"your turn"rachel said

"okay my question is would you ever swim with sharks"he asked

"what sort of question is that"rachel laughed

"hey its my game dont make fun of my questions or a shall..." he said before tickling her tummy

"okay okay whats your answer"rachel said her chest heaving from bedn tickled causi g sebastian to be distracted by her boobs.

"what"he asked

"seb its your own question"rachel said

" oh yeah i would swim with sharks i think they are amazing creatures" he said

" me too" rachel said

" really." sebastian asked like he didnt believe her

" yes took you on didnt i"  rachel said

" true so your question"he said

" my question is if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be" rachel asked

" i would have to say pizza then i can change the flavors of the toppings so i wouldnt get bored he said

" i was gonna say pizza too" rachel said

" thats because we are made for each other "he said

" its weird when we first met i didnt like you"rachel said

"i know everyone knew that" he chuckled

"you were an ass to me"he said

" i know but you gotta admit it created amazing tension between us"he said

"true but dont do it again"rachel said trying to sound serious

"yes ma'am "he said

they spent several minutes kissing before needing air as sebastian kissed her neck while she laid there getting her breath back he positioned himself on top of her

"so rach my final question and im breaking the rules with tnis one as only you can answer this"he said

"okay"rachel said looking up at him as he rested on his elbows while looking straight into her eyes

"you have to finish the sentence"he said pecking her lips

"okay"rachel said

"reapeat after me"he said

"right"rachel said

" rachel berry loves..."he said

"rachel berry loves you"she said

" good because i love you too"he said before they kissed which led to them making love again.

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