chapter four

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rachel woke up to find sebastian sat on her bed it scared the crap out of her she sat bolt up he however looked rather unfazed by the whole thing.

" what you doing in my room how did you bet in" rachel said pulling the covers over she as she sat up

" well to answer both questions i will answer the second one first i picked the lock and too answer your first question its 11am amd warbler practice was mean to start an hour ago and you didnt show i thought you were trying to piss me off i came here to yell at you only i found you asleep i relised it wasnt about testing my patience you were merely sleeping late" sebastian said

" right well im awake now so can you leave" rachel said

" nope i dont want to" sebastian said

" what" rachel snapped

" i think you and i have gotton off on the wrong foot i think we should use this time to get to know each other" sebastian said

" we got off on the wrong foot because your an ass and you started it by insulting me" rachel said

" i know"sebastian said

" so your awhere of been a dick" rachel said

"yes" sebastian said

" im confused"rachel said

" look the thruth is marley was bullied at her last school by a girl who thought she was the best i knew of you rachel before you come here and marley has thrived since she has been here and when i heared you were joining i freaked out i thought you been here been the centre of attention would make her go back into her shell" he said

" well its nice that you care about your sister but you could have told me this in the first place" rachel said

" i didnt know if i could trust you then" sebastian said

" and you do know" rachel said

" i told you didnt i" sebastian said

" well i promose not to over shadow her and for wjat its worth i will keep my eye on her i know what its like to be bullied" rachel said

" which is what you said yesterday which was why i also came here to say im sorry i relise in my attempt to stop you picking on my sister i have sort of been picking on you" sebastian said

" sort of" rachel said

" well you gave as good back" he said

" yeah because im not prepared to be a victim anymore"rachel said

" i see" he said

" can you leave i need to get dressed" rachel asked

" yes" sebastian sais he smiled at her as he left which surprised her he seemed decent talking to her in here the arrogant ass that she had come to know him has was not the guy she had just been talking too.

once she was dressed she headed out of her dorm and headed for lunch given she had missed breakfast as she walked into the dining room she spotted hunter who waved at her to join him when she had gotton her food.

as rachel tuck her tray over to sit with him he was beaming at her.

" so i figured out your secret"hunter said

' what you talking about" rachel asked

" well i wondered why you and sebastian were always having a go at each other but i saw him sneakinginto your room this moring and then i saw him leave over an hour later. so i get it rachel you and he are a thjng your pretending to hate each other so people dont realise your doing each other" hunter said rachel was shocked

" what no we are not how dare you assume that" rachel said

" what am i supposed to think"hunter said

" well if you must know i didnt know he was letting himself into my dorm amd if you much know he came to say sorry formhow he has been treating me" rachel said

"so your not sleeping with him" hunter asked

" no and im honestly offended that you even ask me that" rachel said

" sorry its just i like you rachel i have been working up the courage to ask on a date" hunter said

" oh i see okay then" rachel said

" wait did you just agree" hunter said

" yeah" rachel said

" so given we are at a boarding school thw location for a date is limited so i was thinking your dorm i will bring the food" he said

" okay" rachel said

" tomorrow night" he asked

" sure" rachel said

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