chapter seven

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rachel woke up the next morning not knowing what to do hunter had been good to her she liked him but her dream was broadway the way to broadway was nyada the way to nyada was a national trophy but that would make sebastian think she was picking him and she wasnt .

rachel got up and showered and then heared a knock on her door  she went to open it to see it was blaine

" oh hello" she said

" can i come in minute" blaine asked rachel moved back so he could

"did you kiss seb last night"blaine asked

"no he kissed me"rachel said shocked that blaine knew

"i see its just im his dorm mate andche came to bed last night with the biggest smile on his face saying you and he kissed"blaine said

"if you must know he diecovered that i have a date with hunter tonight he had sugfested meeting everynight to practise but i told him i coundlt so he asked and then figured out my plans with hunter" rachel said

" im confused if he knew you had a date with another guy why would he kiss you" blaine asked

" well he asked if i had kissed hunter and i told yes and then he kissed me without warning hen said he bet i didnt feel fireworks like that with hunter" rachel said

" i see what are you gonna do"blaine asked

"i dont know"rachel said

"does hunter know he kissed you"blaine asked

"not unless sebastian has told him"rachel said

"he will"blaine said


as rachel had made her mind up that if hunter really liked her he would rearrange their date the bottom line was she needed to be in the warblers to get into nyada sebastian  ould stop that happening she could allow that she had worked to hard for it all her she thought to herself its just a week and after that she would reqiest to sing with hunter.

as rachel made her way to hunters dorm she was about to knock when the door banged like something had bee  shoved against it.

"hunter is everything alright" rachel asked worriedly the door suddenyl opened but it wasnt hunter it was sebastian who walked out he didnt say anyhing toher he sinply walked off.

rachel went into to room and saw hunter stood looking mad

"what happened" rachel asked

" dont play the innocent with me he told me" hunter said

" he kissed me"rachel said

"i dont care you shouldnt have put yourself in that position"hunter snapped rachel was furious

"i didnt if you must know i was defending you at the time"rachel said shocked at how he was speaking to her she had never thought him the sort to be this way then he grabbed her arms and squeezed them hard

"i bet now get out " he yelled she  felt frightened of him in that moment and rushed out of his room and went to her own.

as she got to her own dorm she collasped by the door inside in shock he had hurt her she was sure she would be bruised she was shaking.

she remained sat on the floor of her room still trying to process what had just happened

" rachel" sebastian said throuh her door she didnt answer

" we have to practice" he said and again she said nothing

"let me in" he said and for the third time she didnt answer him then she heared the lock he wws trying to oick it like he had done the other day she. oved away from the door but remained on the floor as he had successfully once again picked the lock and he opened the door and walked in he looked around the room first at her bed when he actually saw her sat on the floor in ths state she was in he was clearly shocked.

" my god are you alright what the hell has happened" he said coming over to her

" go away" rachel said hunter might have gone overboad but he had done so because sebastian had made him so angry so she was angry with him too.

"your bruised"he said taking in the sight of her arms

"go away"rachel said

"wait he did this"sebastian said he had a look of several emotions on his face rachel tnought first was shock the second guilt the third of angry the fourth he looked upset then he looked determind

" look just leave i want to be alone" rachel said

" im gonna go and see him" sebastian said

" no your not its all your fault" rachel said getting hysterical

" my fault" sebastian asked

" yeah if you hadnt have told him he wouldnt have gotton so angry" rachel said starting to cry

" no matter what i said it would never give him the right to put his hands on you"he said

"he wasnt thinking stright"rachel said

"your sticking up for him"sebastian said in disabelief

"no im not i will never forgive him for it but your acting like a hero with me and your not"rachel said sebastian looked pissed off rachel felt nervous

"nothing you could do would make me hurt you. if you wanna think of me as a bad guy go ahead but im not the one who gave you bruises"he said before leaving.

rachel sat there wishing she would wake up any moment and that all of this had been a bad dream.

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