chapter nine

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after they had eaten rachel and sebastian walked back to her room inorxer to talk privately once they were inside rachel looked at sebastian with an expression which read well then talk.

" look hen i heard you would be coming here i was excited i have watched several videos of you singing and your amazing the thruth is i wanted to ask you out when you got here but when you walked in with hunter i got jealous and i behaved unacceptably and i am sorry jealousy isnt something im used too and i didnt like it"sebastian said

"you were jealous of hunter but i had only just met him"rachel said astonished

"yes but i didnt know that did i then you and he seemed to get close i was pissed off"he said

" i dont know what to say"rachel said

"you dont have to say anything somethings cant be expressed with words" he said before she knew it he had closed the gap between them and placed one hand on her waist as the other moved her hair out of her face and kissed her at first she was shocked but unlike the other night she kissed him back infact they got alittle carried away and a spent a long time mking out.

" so does this mean you like me now" he asked

" i suppose" rachel sais with a sigh jokingly

" ooh i didnt know you were cheeky im impressed " he said

"shut up"rachel said

"so does this mean i can take you on a date"he asked

"you better had this is what the fourth  or fifth time you have been in my room i should at least be wooed a little" rachel said

" thats true" he said before kissing her again 

"so are we done fighting each other then"rachel asked

" well i dont know about that i hear somtimes making up after a fight can be very fun"he said

"i have heared that too"rachel said

"good so then tomorrow night the warbler room its our second date" sebastian said

"you mean first"rachel corrected him

"no second discussing love songs and having a kiss to me has date written all over it" sebastian said

"it might do but its only called a date if both people know it is" rachel said

"okay then tomorrow night is our official first date not to be confused with anything other than a date"he said

"okay"rachel said

"right well i shall leave you to do what your doing if you have any trouble with hunter let me know...oh lets swap numbers " sebastian said.

they had another quick kiss before he left rachel was stood there wondering what the hell was happening had she really just been making out with him had she really just agreed to go on a date with him.

rachel sat doing her homwork when there was a knock on her door she got up and went and opened it but wished she hadnt.

"hunter"she said as he barged in

"you seem surprised to see me were you expecting loverboy"hunter spat

"look i want you too leave " rachel said

"i cant do that because have made me look a fool and i cant just accept that"hunter said walking towards her so she was now up against the wall of her room.

"pleaee just go im sorry "rachel said

then someo e knocked on her door

" go away im having private time woth rachel" hunter yelled

" leave her alone" blaine's voice yelled back

" shut up" hunter yelled

" please" rachel said

"does he like you to beg" hunter said as her door flew open the headmaster was stood besides blaine he and nick were holding a furious looking sebastian back.

" my office mr clarington now" the headmaster said

once hunter was away from them blaine and nick let go of sebastian and he ran to rachel who was shaken he held her to him.

" did he hurt you " he asked

" no just scared me"rachel said

" never mind just he was bang out of order" blaine said

" i cant believe he has that temper he seemed nice when he first came here" nick said

" your not the only one who was fooled by him" sebastian said rachel gave him  a look

" you were rach you cant blame me for that" he said.

the others left sebastian stayed with her for about half an hour until she had calmed down thankfully due to what had happened the headmaster had informed her teachers so she was let off from homework for the night so she decided to have an early night.

her dreams were filled with her date with sebatian she had to admit she might have not liked him at first but she sure did like him now.

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