chapter six

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rachel is on her way to the warbler council room to meet up with sebastian to discuss their duet song she isnt exactly looking forward to it givennthat hunter seemed pretty pissed off about sebastian not letting her sing with him.

rachel was feeling uncomfortable the thruth was she really didnt know what to make of sebastian so she didnt know if it was gonna be another difference of opinion with the song they needed to choise to sing.

as she made her way through the halls of daltonnhunter appeared infront of her

" hey" rachel sais surprised to see him

" hi i though i would escort you" hunter said he offered her his arm with she linked hers through and they carried on the way to the warbler room.

"so i was tbinking tomorrow night how about a second date"hunter asked with a smile

"sure okay"rachel said

"great how about my dorm this time" he said

" okay but i getto bring the movie" rachel said

" yes you werent keen on the movies i brought were you"he said with a chuckle as they arrived at the room.

"well then i guess i will see you tomorrow'rachel said before she pushed the door open and saw sebastian waiting for her.

after closing the door she walked further intomthe room and was shocked to see sebastian had brought food and had it all out on a blanket on the floor.

"right well imfigured what with us both been so opinionated that this might take a while so i thought food would help" sebastian said

"okay"rachel replied she was confused any other guy setting out food like this she would assume it was a date but sebastian she didnt know what to think.

"shall we"he said as he sat down and held out a song book for her she tuck it and sat down opposit him.

"so do you have any songs picked out"rachel asked

"no do you"he said

"no"rachel admitted

"well there is one but i doubt you would go for it broadway" he smirked

" really what is it"rachel asked

"just give me a reason its a duet already plus there is so much tension between us we could really make it work"he said

"i love that song" rachel said

" really well thst was easy enough i though we would be at it all night"sebastian said

"well you thought wrong"rachel said

"well we might as well eat then hadnt we"he said

they sat eating the spoke only briefly now and then

"do you play the piano"he asked

"no"rachel said "do you" she added

"yes"he said

then they sat in silence  why was it so awkward with him she tought

"so i think as its your first warbler performance and im captain we really need to work on this duet and make it the best it can be" he said

" i agree" rachel said

" wait you mean we actually have agreed with each other twice this evening first with the song now this"he said

"do you alway have tomact like a jerk"rachel said

"i wont answer that as i know you dont mean it. i think we should pracrice everynight" sebastian said

" i cant tomorrow' rachel said thinking of hunter

" why"he asked

"im busy"rachel said

"doing what"he asked

"none of your business"rachel said

" it is my business"he said

"no it isnt"rachel saidcgetting annoyed at him

"you have a dste dont you with who dont tell me its that idiot hunter"sebastian said

"it is with hunter actaully"rachel said feeling defencive

"what do you see in him"sebastian asked

"i like him he is nice he is friendly and he treats me with respect" rachel said

"i love how your compliment to him is also a swipe at me"sebastian said

"wow you thought it was about you typical"rachel said

"rachel your wasting your time with him"he said

"oh and how the hell would you know you dont know me"rachel snapped getting up he got up to.

"i know he isnt right for you" he said walking over to her

" i think thats my decision tommske not yours"rachel said

"fine but answer me this have you kissed him yet"sebastian asked he was now stoid infront of her

"yes"rachel said

"you have"he asked and before she knew what was happing he kissed her she didnt kiss back she was too much in shock to respond.

" now tell me rachel dod it have sparks like that when he kissed you" he asked looking pleased with himself

rachel didnt reply she grabbed her bag and walked out of the room and went to her dorm.

wow she thought he might be a dick but god he could kiss she hadnt kissed back but she coudnt deny it was an amazing kiss. rachel was once again confused by him she wondered if she would ever understand him.

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