A Misunderstanding

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"Hello, my child, good to see that you're out of bed!" Frisk rushed downstairs, red-faced, only to be greeted by a very enthusiastic goat. Toriel had a butterscotch-cinnamon pie ready in her hands and was practically jumping up and down from the relief that Frisk was alright.

"Yes, I'm fine, it was just that the stress got to me is all."Frisk signed for the thousandth time, Toriel was the pure example of a worrywart. "I'll be going out to see how monsters have settled down."

"But, my child, you must eat breakfast first," Toriel replied to Frisk sternly, despite her protests of: 'I'm not hungry mom' and half-dragged Frisk to the table.


Frisk pushed away from the table, and immediately grabbed her blue and purple striped sweater.

"I'm going!" she called to Toriel while she flew out the door, Brown hair flying behind her.


As she neared Grillby's a sweet smelling aroma filled the air, comforting her, and wrapping around her like a blanket. There seemed to be another person or monster walking towards Grillby's following their nose as well.

"frisk?" The person/monster called, "i thought you were tori's house! wanna make a 'trip' to grillby's?"

"S-sans? N-no! I'm f-fine" Frisk stuttered, her feeling of calmness disappearing, "I-i really don't like you at all or w-want to hang out with y-you" Frisk lied horribly.

"really kid? ya think you're gonna fool me... " Sans muttered, pupils disappearing, "huh...... kid? what's that look for? i'm just kiddin' with you lil' buddy, nothing to get scared over..."

Frisks eyes brimmed with tears as she just thought about the serious look Sans had given her, "I-i'll be g-going n-now." Frisk said, hurt.

"no! wait, kid! what's wron-" Sans got cut off as Frisk screamed with all her might. She didn't want Sans to follow her, and she definitely didn't want to talk. All Frisk wanted to do was cry.


Frisk rushed into Toriel's house, tears brimming over. As she banged the door shut and ripped off her sweater, Toriel's voice came from the kitchen.

"I need to speak with you, my chi-...... oh, my! Frisk? A-are you alright?"

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" came the response from Frisk.

"Frisk?" Toriel said, worried, Frisk rarely used her voice, let alone raised it. So this was an extremely odd situation. As goat mom was distracted with the pondering of Frisk using her voice, Frisk ran to her room, slamming the door. There Frisk cried.


"Why can't anyone understand! Why does everyone not know! And why do I have to feel so much pain! I just don't get it!"Frisk thought to herself, as she buried her face in her hands, "Maybe it's because you don't want to wall off your heart." A small voice in her head responded curtly "But WHY! Why, why, why, why, why! Why me! IT ALWAYS HAS TO BE ME!" Frisk covered her mouth, realizing that she had said the last part out loud.

"My child?" came a tentative voice, undoubtedly Toriel's "Are you.... alright?" (no answer) "Frisk?"

"SHUT UP!" Frisk's once beautiful voice, was rough with emotion "I-i really don't wanna talk right now."



Toriel went downstairs, wondering whether or not she should call professional help for Frisk, but decided against it. She had a feeling this would go better if she invited a monster over, and after she had picked up Frisk's sweater, she did.



"Oh, Papyrus, I'm so glad you're here, the child has been acting peculiar, and I think you're the only one who can talk to them..." Toriel responded, worried.



(knock knock)

"GO AWAY!" Frisk responded to the knock with a vehement tone, hoping Toriel would leave her be.

"HUMAN?" A familiar voice responded to her on the other side of the door sounding slightly shaken by the response Frisk had given.

"Oh, it's just you?"

"YES, HUMAN! IT IS I THE GREAT PAPYRUS. ME AND ONLY ME." Frisk slowly made her way to the door, letting it creak open.

A rare gasp escaped Papyrus as he caught sight of Frisk's tear-stained face. "H-HUMAN? WHAT'S WRONG?"

***** HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA cliffhanger! How do you like that! Just kidding! ;) Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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