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Frisk slowly opened her diary, and began to write.

{Right now, italics means writing)

Dear Diary,

It has only been a few days since the monsters have gotten out of the underground, and I have to say, it has been pretty good! At least, on the surface it is. Truthfully, life just isn't bothering to give me an ounce of luck. I've already died once, and the person I love feels sorry for me.

On another note, Toriel asked me if I had places to go or not as we stared at the sunset, and I really don't. My parents probably don't even know I'm gone, that orphanage never cared about me anyway. I suppose I should write the whole story down, it would help me vent some anyway. Well... I suppose there is no delaying it, better get to the story.

My parents, well, I never knew them, they lived overseas because they had work there. My parents left me at an orphanage and told the to take care of me, but the staff ignored me. They were probably thinking that I didn't need to be cared for because I had parents. Not that they knew anything. The only letters I got from my parents were letters that sent me money and sent orders to the orphanage. Mom and Dad... (urgg, it feels weird to even call them that) they sent me a school's location and money for a scholarship, so I could get educated... I guess love was more strong because I never felt it from someone before. and, well... Pap knows the rest. I already vented to him... and I'm too lazy to write anything else, so I guess that's the end of diary entry #1.


{END [of writing]}

Frisk sighed as she pushed away from the desk she was sitting at and sighed. "That was... not enough. I can still fell the pain." on the last word, her voice cracked painfully. Frisk looked up from her diary and smiled weakly. "Well, there is one trusty thing that doesn't often let me down..." Frisk stood from her chair and made her way to the bathroom.



Sans watched as Fiona left through the front door of his house. "heh, little b*ch doesn't know when to stop huh." he muttered, "welp, gotta go!" he said, and in a flash of blue, he was gone.


Sans appeared in front of Toriel's house. "yep, this is the one" said as he decided what to say to Frisk, it was something along the lines of: 'i'm sorry i ever hurt you in any of the timelines, kid.' Sans held his breath as he knocked on the door.

"Hello! Oh, Sans!"

"hey tori, you're supposed to say: 'who's there'"

"No, Sans you BONEhead that's not what you do here! Besides, we already creep the humans out enough!"

"aww, tori don't ruin my fun! on another note, can i speak to the kid?"

"Um... sure..." Toriel answered Sans hesitantly, she was trying to keep Frisk mood at 'moderately content'.

 As if reading her mind, Sans said, "why don't i walk up the stairs for once so i'm not going to make her jump outta her skin!" {bu-dum, CHHHH}

"Haha! Sans! Stop! You're tickling my FUNNY BONE!" Toriel giggled, "Okay, you can do that."


Sans met Toriel at the top of the stairs, and Toriel pointed across to Frisk's room. Sans walked up to it and knocked. (No answer) "heya, kid?" (no answer). Sans slowly turned the doorknob and leaned into Frisk's room. Looking around, he saw no one. 

"Oh dear, she might be in the bathroom." Toriel muttered, "You can wait for her here!" At the mention of 'bathroom", the puzzle pieces slowly clicked into place. "cut, cut, cut" Slowly echoed in Sans's head.

Sans slowly turned to face Toriel, "hey... um, tori? I'm just gonna see if she's in there 'kay?" he said as he tiptoed to the bathroom.

"Um... okay?" Toriel was confused, but she left him be and when downstairs.


****Heya people! How's the chapter?....... Oh... right, you can't respond.... well! It was worth a shot? Anywho, thank you for reading this chapter byeeeeeee!"****

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