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{This is back in the abyss of blackness}

"Reset? or QUIT?" Frisk pondered out loud, "Hmmm... Looks like I'll have to true reset... What'll that do?........ or........ I could load..... I guess my last save point isn't too far away from when the 'accident' happened... but... to stop Fiona from her rampage... I have to not get hurt... so I will not run away when Sans (gulp)-" {it hurts frisk to say his name} "- when he confesses... OR I could pretend I never liked him... okay... it will be less painful for him if I just pretend I never liked him... OKAY!" Frisk turned towards the load button and took a deep breath before she lightly caressed it.


Frisk opened her eyes, to find herself in front of the mirror, tear stains on her cheeks. "Okay... what just happened... right! Pap told me Sans was dating!" Frisk flinched as she said the word 'dating' in that obviously fake cheerful voice, but she pressed on. "Okay... then I go to the washroom and splash water on my face... and afterward, I confront mom!" Frisk followed her instructions carefully, making sure there was no sign of tears on her face. Then, she skipped cheerfully down the stairs. 

"Hey, mom!" Frisk made a point to say hi to her mother, to make it obvious she would not stuff herself back into her room. This is when her decision slightly shifted the timeline. {before she said "Mom? Can I say something"}

 "My child..."

"I'm going out! I'll be back before dark!"

Toriel started to protest, only to find herself holding back. She didn't want Frisk to be upset again, so Toriel went back to doing her housewifey chores.


Frisk arrived panting at the skeleton brothers' house, determined to apologize. She turned to the door, remembering exactly what would happen. "Pap will be late to the door, Fiona will interrupt out conversation, and Pap will get Sans who is going to be upset with me. This time, I will try to befriend Fiona and not cry."

Frisk knocked on the door in which she was facing, and plastered a fake smile, much like Sans's, onto her face. 

Papyrus answered the door, and according to script, he said " SORRY, I WAS MAKING SPAGHET-... HUMAN?" 

Frisk answered Papyrus, "I'm here to apologize to Sans. I know you can get him alone. Without Fiona, I mean."


"O-oh... just a little talk around town.... It's nothi-"

Frisk was cut off by a girl made of green fire walking down the stairs. "Hey~ what's all the ruckus down there~" the girl strolled into the doorway. " I'm trying to make out with Sanmff," Papyrus slapped his bony hand over the sassy girl's mouth, muffling the name she was about to carelessly blab.

"It's okay," Frisk said, smiling gently, "I understand."

Papyrus stared, dumbfounded at Frisk. The girl he knew was gone. Normally, Frisk would have broken down into a puddle of tears, but Frisk was just standing in the snow, swaying gently with a calm smile on her face.


"Umm... I would like to speak to Sans If that's okay..."

"... That's okay~ but if you want to talk to him~ you talk to me~ too~"

"That's... fine."

" 'kay I'll go get him~!" Fiona strutted away, and Frisk, stone-faced, watched Fiona leave.


"Oh.. well I'll tell you eventually," Frisk smirked mysteriously.


Papyrus pondered the question as Sans, followed by Fiona appeared in the doorway. To Frisk's great surprise, Sans apologized to her as she opened her mouth to apologize to him. Frisk stared at Sans, tilting her head as if trying to figure him out. 

"What? Don't tell me... you remember..." Frisk whispered.

"heh, there's a lotta things i don't forget kid," Sans responded, pupils darkening considerably.

"Sans..." Frisk slowly said the name of the person she loved most, her act slightly falling. "Um... well!" She lightened up again "Sorry for taking your time!" Frisk rushed out of the premises of the conversation, but not quickly enough. Frisk heard Fiona inquire about the mysterious exchange.

"Sansy~ what do you 'remember"?"


Frisk slammed the door to her and Toriel's house closed. "I'm home!" she called cheerfully, not going straight to her room as her first instinct told her to.

"Frisk? I need to talk to you." Toriel said sternly, "You've been holing up in your room an awful lot lately... is everything alright?" 

"Truthfully mom... it isn't, but it's not something I can talk about right now... I promise I will tell you eventually, but...I'm not ready."

"Well, my child... As long as you will be safe."

"Okay," Frisk replied to Toriel's concerns honestly, as she rarely did, and added, "May I go to my room?"

"Yes, My child."


Frisk slowly closed the door behind her and pondered the days' events. Then she took out her diary from her desk drawer and began to write.

****Um... Hey! What's up... I don't know what to write anymore so I'm going to just carelessly blab. I like sweet stuff, but not to sweet! Also, salty is AMAZING TO ME! Er... is this enough writing... I'm gonna stop now..."

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