The Truth

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Frisk sank, staring into the abyss of blackness around her. Suddenly, a name cut through the murmur of voices around her. "............ SANS............. VERY SORRY........" A voice faded in and out of focus. "Sans?" Frisk thought to herself. "Sorry?" the name and the words that she heard slowly clicked together. "Sans says he's very sorry..." Hearing this, Frisk regained the slightest bit of hope. "Sans is sorry..." She thought to herself, unable to move her lips. Frisk felt herself being picked up, yet when she tried to open her eyes, they were too heavy. Abruptly, a sharp shard of  "darkness" whooshed towards her SOUL. "ahh!" she shuddered, instinctively protecting her SOUL and taking the stab. "I have to live." Frisk encouraged herself, smiling weakly. Yet another time, a voice cut into Frisk's conciseness, this time it was Sans's. "f-frisk?" the voice said. "Sans," Frisk whispered without thinking, "I love you... do you love me?" realizing what she had done, Frisk tensed up, waiting for and answer, but the answer never came, as she was swallowed by darkness.


Everyone in the lab was now looking at Sans expectantly, except for Papyrus, who was sniggering uncharacteristically.

"u-uh..." Sans responded, looking for an excuse to change the subject. "is frisk okay?" He attempted feebly. Surprisingly, it worked. Alphys rushed to Frisk's side, feeling for her pulse.

"T-this is not good! She's going into a coma!" Alphys yelled. Everyone rushed to Frisk's side like Alphys did and tried their best to encourage her, but nothing worked. "Well... s-she's done a lot of fighting for her life... she probably just needs some rest," Alphys reassured the monsters as she attached frisk to a heart monitor. "I'm going to have to put her on life support, though...". Somewhat reassured by Alphys's care for Frisk, all the monsters began to leave, Sans left last, reluctantly turning to Fiona afterward.

"heya sweets," Sans said in a fake honeyed tone.

"Sansy~ What took you soo long~"

"heh... dunno, sorry, must be bonely out here."

"Hey, Sans." Fiona snapped, suddenly serious. "Do you like me?"

Instead of answering right away, Sans went silent, considering.


"Welp, sorry Grillbz, this is why I don't make promises."


"fiona, i like frisk, and there is nothing you can do about it."

"Whaaaat~ San-"

"fiona, no. I was only doing a favor for a friend, and I couldn't even follow through with it so shut your fiery mouth."

Fiona turned away from Sans with a 'hmph' and said: "I was gonna dump you anyway. you spend way to much time making music." {FIONA IS SUCH A PLAYER!}



Fiona strutted away from Sans, leaving him at the lab. Sans turned to face the doors of the lab, and went back in.

"heya alphys."

"Sans? I-i thought you had already left!"

"nah, fiona was being a f***ing b*tch so i ditched her."

"SANS! L-Language!" Alphys exclaimed, offended, "And you ditched her? D-does that mean you... broke up?"


"And you're not in the least sad about it?"

"nope, i was just doing a favor for a friend anyway..." Sans trailed off, thinking of his promise to Grillby.



"... ( hey sans)"

"yea grilbz?

"........................ (could you take something off my hands for a while?)"


"................................................................ (My niece is disturbing the customers here. I'd like you to...... be her boyfriend to take her mind off of being a player..."

(Sans spits out a mouthful of ketchup) "w-what? you want me to date a player?"

".........................................................( please promise me... it doesn't have to be serious, I just need some money right now to run the shop... assuming you won't pay your tab.)"

"guilty as charged. fine, i'll do you a favor."

"...... (promise?)"

"grilbz i... fine"



"U-uh Sans? You kinda just z-zoned out there..."

"oh... yeah... right... I'm fine..."

"T-that's exactly what Frisk said to everyone before she blacked out. I mean, look at all the cuts on her arms! She is obviously not alright!"


****Hooray! I finished the part! On another note, do you guys (and gals) like the story so far? I'm thinking about making another story, ( with many ships) what do you guys think? Also, if you find any grammatical errors or spelling errors, please comment, thanks!

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