Sans's Past

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"fine. if i tell you my past, will you please kill me?" Sans requested, looking into Frisk's eyes with an earnestly hopeful expression.

"Sans... no. I will not I would never..." Frisk trailed off, hoping she had conveyed all she could in those few sentences. 

"h e h...  h e h... " Sans laughed bitterly, "never? i thought so... well... i made a promise... so i might as well keep it, but... yeah... i could do that myself anyway." As Sans spoke, Frisk's eyes wandered down to his health bar. She let out a small gasp as she saw what had happened. Every minute she waited, his health lowered by one H.P.

"Sans?" She whispered uncertainly, her voice shaking from fear and worry, "What... is happening to your health?" It was almost as if he had a poison effect on him. All that was left "yellow", or normal, was his one H.P.

"oh... this? it's..." Sans looked at his health bar, trailing off when he realized he had to tell his "story" if he was going to explain his quickly depleting health. He took a shack breath. "i was born when dad and... that lady combined their magic. she... it... that monster... it wished with all its heart for me to be a girl. it was wrong. not only was i a boy, i was also way too small for any babybones. in the first few weeks of my living, it still pampered me. it dressed me like a girl and all, but when one of her friends found i was a boy... it snapped. it brought me home right away and it started to be-" Sans's voice rose an octave in pitch as he tried to keep the tears from escaping.

"C-continue please." Frisk whispered softly, an edge of anticipation in her voice.

"s-he" Sans squeaked in a barely audible voice, unable to get any more words out of is mouth. He had stopped breathing to hold his breath, cutting off his ragged breaths.

"Shhh... shh... Sans... shhh... I'm here... it's okay... shhh... it's okay now." Frisk whispered soothingly, "It's okay now... I'm here for you... "

Sans's hyperventilating didn't stop. Sobs ripped one after another out of his chest. They racked his thin frame and soon, his frantic breathing caused his blue magic to fill the room. The walls were crawling with bones by the time the hystaria reached its peak. 

After all the emotions of his had run his course Sans passed out cold in Frisk's arms. As Frisk leveled her gaze with his closed eyesockets she said a few words.

"Thank you, Sans... for letting me see this side of who you are. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here." Frisk slipped from Sans's arms, still clutching her shirt in pain, and slipped out of his room. Immediately, she remembered something she had forgotten until that moment, and stepped downstairs to where Papyrus was watching and evening T.V. show.

Feeling her come into the living room, Papyrus turned off the television. "YES?" He asked, sensing she wanted to talk.

"Hey Papy... do you know how to heal someone?"


"Well... he..."


"I need you to check his body for scars, wounds, and everything else."

"Why is that?'

"His health is slowly... depleting."

"WHAT? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SONNER! LET'S GO!" Papyrus flew up the stair, Frisk practically flying after him as he grasped her hand tightly. Just as the entered the room, a bone whizzed past their faces, and inch away from their nose.

"what do yo- oh." Sans started menecingly, only to interupt himself when he say Papyrus. "sorry..."


"uh... fiona?"


"nevermind." Sans quickly covered.

"Your H.P." Frisk said, voice cold. "Get up, and take off your shirt NOW. You need to be examined."

"heh... no need to work yourself to the bone" Sans laughed, poking Frisk in the ribs. If she didn't know him as well as she did, she would have believed he was alright. 

"Sans. Shirt. NOW." She insisted, advancing towards him, until he tripped on the bed and fell backward onto it.

"hey now.. slow down kiddo, you're putting too much backbone into it."

Frisk kept advancing until their bodies touched. Then, she ripped off his shirt... and gasped.

**** Sorry I haven't updated in a while... I didn't know how to word the chapter. Anywho... stay tuned!****

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