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"cuts?" Sans said slowly, uncomprehending. "what cuts?"

"O-oh! You d-didn't see?"

"no..." As Sans slowly uttered the last words, the news sank in. "she is a human... if she cuts herself, it's from depression..." Sans thought to himself while (unconsciously) his pupils disappeared.

"S-sans? You're blanking out agai-" Alphys was cut off by Sans, who had teleported to Frisk's side. Immediately, he tugged up Frisk's sleeves, as his observant side swallowed him. {This is from the theory in which Sans is the helper, and son, of W.D. Gaster, and Papyrus has nothing to do with it all. Also, in THIS story, Gaster is nice.}

"hmm... the marks look quite old, which is a relief, and judging by the age of frisk and the speed in which she travels... these cuts were from before she fell down. well... that is kinda okay... frisk is... was also a fairly cheerful person. although... she did have flashes of darkness. hmm..." Sans stood over Frisk's arms, speculating.

"Sans?" Alphys interjected into Sans's thought process

"huh?!" Sans jumped out of his semi-crouched beside Frisk. "oh, clearly my jokes have run bone dry." 

"S-sans. No."

"ok, so i'm worried about frisk, is there a problem about that?"

"N-no it's just... WATCH OUT!" Alphys rushed over and shoved Sans out of harm's way as Frisk's body, with an orange aura surrounding it, flew at Sans.

"YOU'RE    NOT   THE    ONLY   PERSON  WHO   CAN   CONTROL   PEOPLE   YOU  KNOW !" A familiar voice that was not Frisk's emitted from Frisk's body. "ONLY   I  CAN   DO  IT   BETTER!   NOW...   COME  OUT   AND   PLAY   SANSY~" Upon hearing his name spoken in such a manner, Sans raised his voice to shout.

"let her go, fiona," Sans muttered threateningly.

"Oh!   So  you'd  prefer  I  murder Papyrus?"

"pap? you better not, Unless you wanna   B U R N   I N   H E L L"

"Hmph. So stubborn. Guess you could use some help." the scenery around Sans and the stunned Alphys rippled, and changed. They were shown Fiona levitating Frisk and Papyrus above a fire pit.

"pap! frisk!" Sans shouted desperately, banging on the barrier of magic fiona had put up. Sans turned slowly to face Fiona. "let. them. go." Sans said, as he sent bones flying at the barrier.

"No." Fiona winced. it was obviously hard to do three types of magic at once, let alone magic powerful enough to keep Sans from teleporting or knocking down the 'wall', but she held on. "choose." She commanded, wincing again as Sans shook the barrier. Sans shook his head violently, and just as he did, Frisk's eyelids fluttered open. {Come, ON Frisk, that is the WORST possible time to open your eyes!} As they did, she screamed in terror. Not only was she floating above a fire, she was also being looked at by Sans! {.....} "NOW." Fiona  commanded yet again, letting Papyrus and Frisk drop until their rear ends skimmed the fire. Both Pap and Frisk screamed in pain as the fire scorched their clothes. Sans's lower... lip? trembled as he spoke:

"i-i c-chose... m-my b-brother," Sans whispered painfully. "sorry frisk, just... reset. kay?" Sans thought quietly, "I can't afford losing my brother." 


Frisk awoke, yet again, with somber music playing in the background of her thoughts. "here? Again? Why?" She thought to herself. Then, her memories flooded back. "Right. Sans picked his brother. Okay. Time to choose. reset? Or... Quit.

****Hey! Was this a nice chapter? It's really short, though, not even 700 words!  {it's only 603} What have I done to my life.... wait... don't answer that. Anyway, Thanks for reading this insanely short chapter!****

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