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Logan Greenwood

Logan Greenwood's family had know clue where he was and neither did his best friend, one of the few people he could trust. There was only one person that knew his exact location and that's because Logan was in his house.

Marcus Graham graduated last year. He was eager to get away from home and bought his own apartment a few days after graduating.

To Logan, Marcus was like another brother. A person that he could trust. Which was exactly what he was doing now.

Marcus was rummaging through a cabinet in his bathroom while Logan stood, leaning on the door frame. He grabbed a few pill bottles and showed them to Logan individually.

"I have some of my own ADHD pills that I don't take anymore. You can have those." Marcus handed the bottle labeled ADHD to Logan. "I also have a full bottle of Anti-depressants." Marcus read over the label and handed it to Logan.

"Thanks." Logan kept his sentences short in fear of his own words.

"I'll get you a Pepsi to drink with those." Marcus left Logan sit on the couch while he went into the small kitchen.

Logan opened one of the bottles and took out a small, white pill.

Marcus handed him a soda.

"Thanks." Logan said again. He gulped down the pill and opened the other bottle and did the same. He sat for a couple of minutes and closed his eyes. A bit of feeling started to come back to him. 

Marcus smiled, "Better?"

"Yea. I can't thank you enough. Don't know what I'd do without you." Logan got up and brushed his sweaty hands on his pants.

"You sure you don't need a ride home?" Marcus asked with great concern.

Logan shook his head. "Nah. I need some time to run, you know. Be free." He smiled at his friend. Marcus shrugged.

"Suit yourself. See you later, Logan."


Logan ran. He sprinted down the sidewalk that lead towards his house from Marcus's apartment. He felt the November wind blow through his hair. Even in pants, he could feel a cool draft.

He breathed in the smell of fall. His favorite season. Cars rushed passed him, causing leaves to tumble around his legs. He saw their vibrant colors dance under him. He was running so fast it felt like he was flying.

Turning the corner, he was already on his street. Logan slowed his pace. Like most people, he heard his family before he saw them. His four younger siblings Anna, George, Sarah, and Lilian were all playing in the front yard. A soccer ball flew passed the net towards Logan. He caught it.

"Careful George! Aim for the goal." He laughed.

"Logan!" The three girls came for him. He was swallowed in hugs and giggles. George ran inside the house screaming, "Logan's back!"

Logan's mother came out of the front door on the phone. "Never mind, officer. He's returned home. Thank you. Goodbye." She hung up the phone and put her hand to her heart.

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