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Darwin practically towered over his father. He laughed maniacally until his throat was raw. His father and the nurses were cowering in corners, keeping their distance from the possessed boy. Darwin smiled, his perfect white teeth gleamed in the dim light.

"Are you afraid, Aaron?" It wasn't Darwin's voice that addresses his father. It was only a horrible screech emitting from his mouth. The heavy weight of the Demons over the last 16, almost 17, years had finally cracked Darwin. Finally, his soul could expand no more.

Mr. Lewis was on the floor, his back pressed against the wall. The fear in his eyes was nothing compared to pain Darwin was experiencing. Though it couldn't be seen, Darwin was still fighting. A tiny piece of his Soul was struggling in a war with the overwhelming amount of Demons inhabiting him.

Darwin screamed. This time, it exploded through the other voice. The hollow aching bellowed through his mouth. He cursed loudly after his scream ceased.

Mr. Lewis glared up at the Devil. He stared into his eyes, knowing it wasn't his son in there. "Let him go!" Mr. Lewis scrambled up from the floor. "Leave my son alone!"

Darwin smirked. "Let who go? I'm right here." The voice was in between the Demons' and Darwin's own. Deep and raspy, but not as desolate of tone. He smiled. A cracked grin that split his face. His eyes flashed with insanity.

"Am I perfect now, father?" Slowly, Darwin, or what was left of him, cocked his head. His neck bones cracked. His skin tightened against his face. Darwin, the real Darwin, was crying. He watched in horror at what he always wanted: to prove his father wrong.

Ever since his freshman year, Darwin wanted to let his father know could be evil, he could be mean. Now, as he felt true evil pulse through him, Darwin regretted every second. Nothing could be done; Darwin was too far gone.

But Mr. Lewis didn't think so. He pleaded with the Devil in front of him. "Get out of my son!"

By now, the nurses had left screaming. No one had returned, leaving Darwin and Mr. Lewis alone. The two of them were dead-locked, their eyes piercing into each other.

Suddenly, Darwin sprouted inky black demonic wings. Stretching them out, he gave a last wild grin as his teeth became pointed, he flew upwards and busted through the ceiling. Darwin soared into the thick night sky swallowed by the darkness.

He continued upward until the city below him was just a black canvas spotted with moving lights and flashing glimmers. Though he could not be seen, Darwin smiled again. His pointy white teeth tainted by the red moonlight. He threw his head back in the wind and laughed maniacally. He was free.

He was stripped from the responsibilities and restrictions that held him down for so many years. Darwin sped through the air, its bitter coldness making him tear up. He black wings shimmered in the night, dancing with silver hope of the stars. He wanted to laugh at them. He wanted to laugh at the people, like his father, who believed he was such a good person. A pity, really, the false reality they lived in.

It took Darwin a second to realize what had happened to him. Simply, he'd folded under all the weight he'd been supporting for so many years. He remembered seeing glimpses of the news in between the flashes of his Demons screaming at him. Seeing Logan stripped of color being accused of murder. He had to find him.

Inside, Darwin was fighting for his life. The scattered fragments of his Soul continued to pursue against the Demon coating him in darkness. He was struggling with who he was and who he was always meant to be.

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