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Eryn Foster

Eryn stared at the nearly invisible boy and felt nothing but disgust and rage. She watched him try and suck the sympathy from Kayden, who seemed far too interested for Eryn's liking.

"What's wrong with you?" She muttered in the middle of Logan's story. He looked at her with indescribable emotion in his eyes ranging from guilt to a twisted type of high.

His invisible hands slightly blurred his image as he rubbed his hands down his face. Logan shook his head with a heavy sigh. Nothing but the small hush of the rain pressed against Eryn's ears as she waited for an answer. When his eyes met hers, she wanted to look away but there was something keeping her there. Almost as though he were telling her the answer. The intensity of his gaze made her lack the ability to blink. Mainly in fear of missing something, of losing the answer.

"Everything." He said, melodramatically. Eryn had to tear her eyes away from his. She repetitively blinked. Kayden looked down and sighed, her knees drawn to her chin.

"Well," she muttered, "at least you can fix your mistake."

Eryn turned her head to Kayden's huddled figure. Her curiosity go the best of her. "What do mean?"

Eryn watched the redhead slowly shake her head as if she were trying to forget. "Nothing. It's nothing."

Eryn saw that even Logan seemed to be dragged from his state of self-pity out of curiosity. She saw his eyes wonder across Kayden. The silence was firm for minutes that seemed to pass by in disguise as hours. It wasn't disturbed until Darwin, who'd been sleeping soundly, gave a slight groan. He uncurled from his fetal position and laid on his back, sprawled in the damp grass. Eryn heard a sigh escape his chapped lips.

"Logan?" He said rather meekly. The lanky boy peered over at Darwin.


"Nothing. Just wanted make sure you were still here." He didn't sit up and look around. He just stayed staring at the tree tops. "How bad is it?"

Eryn could see the pain on Logan's face as he looked down at where his hands once were. "It's pretty bad, buddy."

Eryn felt no sorrier for Logan than she had while he was choking Darwin. She still thought he had a sick twisted way of thinking. She stood firm in the fact that he was a monster. And that he needed serious medical attention. No stable person lies to dozens of children about something like that just to be shown the slightest bit of sympathy. It made her stomach churn uncomfortably.

Darwin finally sat up. He looked around with weak, but sparkling, brown eyes. Eryn studied the foggy haze that the rain left behind.

"Well, at least it isn't raining anymore." She shrugged. Logan shifted uncomfortably on the grass. The winged girl could see the lack of sleep take a toll on him. His eyes would close and then snap open as his head would rock against the back of the tree.

"Yea." Kayden said. She was the first to push herself up from the grass. "Let's get moving."

"And are you gonna lead the way, genius?" Eryn rolled her eyes, but got up as well.

"No." Kayden snapped. "I thought Logan was, like usual."

"Logan can barely stay awake. Let alone walk." Eryn pointed out. Kayden only rolled her eyes in annoyance at her statement. An incoherent moan came from the fading teenager.

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