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“Hermione, we have something to talk to you about.” Ron said to her as soon as the four of them entered the compartment.

“What is it?” She asked.

“Go on Ginny. Tell her.” Ron told his sister.

“Why me? Harry, you tell her.”

“Okay fine.” Harry came closer to Hermione

“We saw you one night with Malfoy.” Hermione’s body stiffened. She knew that her friends are going to find out about this sooner or later but she didn’t expect it to be so soon.

“Um, the night in the room of requirement? Yeah, he asked me that night if I could tutor him.” She lied. This is not yet the right time for them to know.

“And?” Ron asked curiously.

“And what?”

“And did you agreed on tutoring him?”

“Of course I didn’t agree. Why would I?” She lied again.

“Then why did you meet up with him for the other night?” Ron asked again.

“Because he was desperate to get high grades and he needed me to tutor him! And I already said no to him a hundred times!” She shouted at them. She doesn’t want them to ask question anymore so she acted being upset.

“I’m sorry Hermione. I’m sorry for doubting you. I was just being a protective boyfriend.” Ron said and her heart quickly softened.

“It’s okay.”

Throughout the ride, the other three didn’t bring the topic about Malfoy anymore and this made Hermione sigh in relief. She doesn’t want to lie to her friends anymore.

As she made her way through the Great Hall, she noticed a pair of grey eyes looking directly at her but she didn’t dare look at the Slytherin’s direction. Not with Ron and Harry beside her.

“I need to go to the lavatory.” She told Ron as she exit her way through the great hall. Instead of going to the bathroom, she went into the Gryffindor tower and into the girl’s dormitory.

She grabbed some parchment and a quill and began writing.

NO meeting tonight. They are getting suspicious.

She tied it to her owl and went downstairs.

“I though you went to the bathroom.” It was Ginny who saw her climbing down the stairs.

“Well, I had to check something. What are you doing here?”

“Harry and I had a fight. Those boys are very annoying sometimes, you know?”

“Oh please, I’ve known them for too long already.”

“You know, you can tell me anything right? I’m not stupid, Hermione. I know something’s going on with you and Draco.”

“I guess I can stay here longer.” She sat down in one of the seats in the common room beside Ginny.

Since it’s safe to tell Ginny everything now because all students are having dinner, she decided to finally spill the beans.

“Draco is helping me in my relationship with Ron by giving these awesome advices.” She confessed.

“I can’t imagine the ferret giving out love advices to the girl she despises.” Ginny joked.

“I can’t believe it either.”

“Tell me everything.” Ginny said.
She told Ginny everything since the very beginning but she left out a few details about him liking her since it would ruin her relationship with Ron.

“Wow, I guess he really changed his ways.”

“And after everything he did to me, I’m willing to give him a chance to show how much he changed.”

“Well, if I’m in your position, Hermione, I would also give him a chance to be a new person.”

“You can by not calling him ferret anymore.” Hermione said.

“I can try but old habits die hard, you know?” Hermione laughed at this.

“Just promise me that you will not tell the boys about this.”

“Not tell us what?” The boys entered the room and Hermione was sure they heard her last statement.

“Is dinner finished already?” Hermione tried to change the topic.

“You both didn’t come back so we tried to find you two, and don’t change the topic Hermione, what are you not telling us?” Harry demanded.

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