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She never thought that this moment would ever come into her life. The moment in which she found herself trapped into.

Right now, she is in desperate need of a certain blonde boy named Draco Malfoy.

The first month being Ron’s girlfriend was like having a dream come true. But we all know that we need to wake up from the dream sooner or later.

Ron was sweet and loving at first. He always wants to eat with her and they would also do their home works together. But it was too early to celebrate.

After a while, he stopped being sweet and caring to her. He also stopped waiting for Hermione and he would eat ahead of her every time.

The only time they get to spend time with each other is during night when they are answering their home works. But Ron is only complaining about homework and the leaves all the work to Hermione.

Now, she is miserable. What could be worse than having a boyfriend that doesn’t act like one at all?

Without those advices from Draco, she is utterly confused on what to do. Ron is her first boyfriend and she obviously doesn’t have any experience at all unlike Draco who had tons of girlfriend in the past already.

“Hermione, can you help me with the essay in Defence against the Dark Arts?” Ron said one day while the three of them are doing their homework.

“Read this book so that you could put more details into it.” She said handing him a very thick book.

“What? I cannot read that! I already finished the introduction, could you maybe finish it?”

“Fine, leave it here.” And after that, Ron left.

“Where is he going?” Harry asked.

“I have clearly, no idea.”
She knew she needed to talk to Draco so she sent him a message to meet him that night. It’s been a month since Harry and Ron got suspicious, it wouldn’t harm if she would be careful.

“Draco!” She called as soon as he entered the room.

“Is something wrong?”

“My relationship with Ron is going downwards. Sooner or later, he’ll break up with me and I don’t know what to do.”

He wiped a tear on Hermione’s cheek and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll help you.”

“It’s been hard without your advices, you know. At first I thought that being in a relationship was a piece of cake but actually it is not.”

“It’s okay. You’re learning.”
Then suddenly, the doors of the room of requirement burst open and two figures were seen.

“Ron? Lavender?” Hermione exclaimed.

“What are you two doing together?” She added.

“What are you doing with Malfoy, Hermione?” Ron asked.

“I dragged her here to tutor me, Weasel.” Draco lied.

“I told you to stay away from the ferret, Hermione.” Ron said.

“Tell me, what are you doing with Lavender
?” Hermione commanded.

“Don’t get mad but I used you as a rebound. I love Lavender so much that it broke my heart when I saw her cheat with me. But even though Lavender and I are not together anymore that time, I still couldn’t get her out of my mind so I thought I’d use a rebound.” He confessed.

“And you used me. You used me like I was just a thing to be used and played with!!!” She shouted.

“See, I knew that she would react that way if you told her.” Lavender said.

“Shut your freaking mouth, Brown!” Draco said.

“I loved you all these years, Ron. I was ready to move on because I know that I have no chance with you but then Draco came and-“ Hermione said but she was cut off by Ron.

“Why is the ferret involved in this?”

“It doesn’t matter anymore because we are through.” She exclaimed.

“It matters to me!”

“Huh? Oh Draco matters to you but I don’t?”

“I don’t want you hanging out with his kind. You’re still my friend.” He said.

“Oh, now you care? I can’t understand you!” She exclaimed.

“You’re forgetting that there are two more persons in this room other than you two, you know?” Lavender said and it earned her a death glare from Draco. ”Come on won-won, let’s go.”

And then without hesitation, Ron and Lavender walked out of the room together.

“Hermione, I am so sorry.” Draco said as he embraces her.

“Don’t be sorry. You did everything you could. Ron just doesn’t love me.” She said.

“I was supposed to help you be happy not get your heart broken.”

“At least I was happy for a little while before my heart was smashed into pieces.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be there to pick up the broken pieces and I’ll put it back together even though there are many consequences ahead.”

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