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“Aaaahhhh, I can’t believe it! You’re the girlfriend of Draco freaking Malfoy! You’re welcome!” Ginny exclaimed as soon as she heard the good news from Hermione that night.

Hermione just smiled thinking about that makes her heart flutter.

“What’s all the commotion about?” asked Harry who just entered the room.

“Hermione got herself a boyfriend!” She squeled in excitement.

“Congrats, mione. You deserve to be happy after everything.

“Thanks.” She replied
And then after a while, Ron entered the common room and they all stop laughing.

“Don’t mind me. Just continue what you were doing.” He said.
He walked past them and went towards the stairs but something made him stop.

“Ron.” Hermione called but he just stopped. He didn’t turn around.

“Ron, we need to talk.” She added.

“You know, I forgive you already Ron. Even if what you did still hurts me deep inside, I guess I cannot never stay mad at you because you’re one of my bestfriends.” She explained.

“We’re still friends, Hermione. But I’m not like Harry and Ginny. I don’t support the ferret as your boyfriend.” He replied and went straight to the boy’s dormitory.

“How did he know about me and Draco?” Hermione asked as soon as he was out of her sight.

“Apparantly, someone heard the news and it spreaded around like fire. It’s a big deal for them to hear that the Gryffindor Princess and the Slytherin Prince are together.” Ginny explained.

“What?!?” She exclaimed.

“Basically, the whole school knows.” Harry added.

“It doesn’t matter anymore. At least we’re some sort of a role model to others. It’s house unity.” Hermione said.

Harry and Ginny exchanged glances and then someone went entered the room.

“Oi, Hermione. Malfoy’s outside.” It was Neville.

“Oh, Thanks Neville.” She said and bid farewell to her friends.
Draco was leaning impatiently at the wall, when Hermione came outside, he smirked.

“I knew you’d come out.” He said.

“And why is that?” Hermione asked crossing her arms.

“Because I used the one thing you can’t resist.” He said and smirked again.

“What is that ‘thing’?” She asked again.

“Me, of course.” He answered and Hermione laughed.

He then took a step closer towards her and leaned in until their lips met. Hermione kissed him back and before they know it, it became a very passionate kiss. However, due to lack of oxygen, Hermione was the one to pull back.

“Anyone could see us here.” She managed to say.

“It doesn’t matter. They already know about us.” He replied.

“Even so.”

“That reminds me, are you free next Saturday night?”

“Yeah, I am.”
The week passed by slowly to Hermione. And finally, after waiting for a very long time, Saturday finally arrived.

Ginny, upon hearing this news, agreed on helping Hermione fix herself up. So, three hours before the time of their date, Hermione is already at the Gryffindor tower in front of the mirror while Ginny was fixing her hair.

“Do we have to do all of it?” Hermione asked after Ginny explained to her the things they were gonna do.

“Of course. You have to be perfect on your date with Draco.” Her friend simply reply.

“But make it simple, Ginny. I don’t want him to know that we put a lot of effort into cleaning myself up. His head is already big enough.” She joked.

After a lot of potions and spells, Hermione’s hair was finally done. It was tamed and wavy. It was simple and Hermione loved it. She wore a beautiful strapless green dress that she knew would knock Draco off his feet.

As Ginny was making the final touches on her makeup, Harry called her from the common room, and she knew Draco must be waiting outside already.
“Hey, Malfoy.” Harry greeted him as he went out the Gryffindor Tower.

“Potter! I am so glad to meet you.”

“You are?” He asked.

“Yeah. You see, I’m not really in good terms with the rest of the Gryffindors and I can’t call Hermione over here because she obviously can’t hear me from here.” He mumbled.

“Alright. I’ll call her for you.”

“Thanks, Potter.” Draco said.

“Anytime. So it’s a truce?”

“Sure. For Hermione.”

“Just don’t break her heart, okay?”


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