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I placed the blanket over Maggie, tucking her in making sure she was warm. We placed her on a stretcher, so she wouldn't have to walk around, any strain could cause a problem. We were all worried about this, the Saviours were a tough group, and we had too much to lose if this all went wrong. Eugene was the decoy; we were going to make an escape for Hilltop through the woods. Hopefully, we would avoid the Saviours all together and pass by unharmed, but I knew that it wouldn't be as simple as that. It never was for our group.


"Don't worry Maggie, just a few more miles." I tried to comfort her; she was getting worried as was everyone else. We came to as stop when a creepy whistle echoed out, my eyes widened looking around for the source of the noise. "Shit." I mumbled under my breath. Rick's head whipped around, looking at all of us. "Go! Go!" he said, carrying Maggie further through the woods. We all started to run, my heart thumping out of my chest. My adrenaline kicked in, making me run faster trying to get Maggie out of this quickly.

We came out of the trees, to be greeted with yellow, bright car lights hitting us in the face. Members of the Saviours were coming out of the shadows, surrounding us in the middle. There was a line of cars, blocking anyway of getting out. A RV truck was at the end of the road as the main centrepiece, the Saviours all stood with a variety of weapons. Guns, knives, axes.

All going to be used for the same purpose.

I raised my gun at the all of them, pivoting around to make sure no one could sneak up on me. I looked over; Eugene was on his knees with three of the Saviours behind him.

"Good. You made it. Welcome to where you're going." We all looked at the man, my gun pointed on him. "We'll take your weapons." He stated, taking out his own gun, pointing it at me. "Now."

"We can talk about it." Rick managed to get out, his voice trembling. He shook his head. "We're done talking, time to listen."

A handful of Saviours walked over, taking our weapons of us, searching for any others.  One of them started to rub their hand on my thigh, chuckling to himself. "I'm going to fucking kill you." I whispered to him, while he walked off.

"Right, get her up and get on your knees." He stated Rick and the others placed Maggie down onto the floor, helping her to kneel. Eugene was forcefully dragged over to us, I stood.

"Ugh, girlie.  Are you deaf? On your knees, now." I shook my head as he chuckled. "Oh boy.  He's going to have some fun with you." The rest of the Saviours laughing along, while one of them grabbed me. He walked me over to the group, but I remained standing.

Daryl, Michonne, Tara and Glenn were pulled out of the back of a van by Dwight. I couldn't believe how weak they all looked. Daryl and Michonne were two of the toughest people I knew and they had been beaten and broken down.

"Looks like we have a full boat. Let's meet the man." Simon banged on the RV door, walking away, throwing a gun on the floor next to Carl. The door slammed open, walking out of it was a man. He looked as every bit mental and menacing as I had envisioned.  A black leather jacket with a red scarf poking out of the top, dark jeans and combat boots.

Over his shoulder, he held a wooden baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped tightly around the top. He walked out of the shadows, giving me a better view of his face. He wasn't bad looking; just the psycho vibe was a complete turn off. His black hair slicked back and his salt and pepper beard standing out on his face. "Pissing our pants yet?" he asked mockingly, walking towards us. "Oh boy, do I have a feeling we're getting close." He walked around in front of us, looking at all of us individually. "Yeah, it's gonna be pee-pee pants city here real soon." He smirked.

"Now, which one of you pricks is the leader?" he asked, putting his hand out in front of him. "It's this one." Simon pointed at Rick, me cursing him in my head. Negan sighed, walking closer to Rick. "Hi. You're Rick, right?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "I'm Negan." He introduced himself, almost normally. "And I do not appreciate you killing my men. Also, when I sent out my people to kill your people for killing my people, you killed more of my people. Not cool." He shook his head at Rick. "Not cool, you have no idea on how not cool that shit is but I think you're going to be up to speed shortly." He nodded. "You are so going to regret crossing me in a few minutes." He went on talking about the New World Order and how we need to follow it. I was just praying he was going to take our stuff off us and let us go; we could go to Hilltop and at least get help from them but no. I was naive to believe that we could get away from this that easily.

We had killed his people and we were going to pay.

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