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cannot believe the shit that went down last episode, october cannot come soon enough! x


8:00 AM (APPROX)

I woke up, the sunlight beaming down on the bed from the small windows. The fabric around me felt strange like silk and satin sheets. I knew I wasn't in my normal room, I felt his body next to me. His arms were wrapped around my waist in a tight grip, like he was worried I would escape from him. I wouldn't though, I don't think I could. Before all of this, I had seen Negan as some bastard that had killed my family, torn us apart by killing two of our own. I know we had killed more of his people that day; I'd killed saviours myself. I didn't feel any remorse; I had done what I needed to protect my family, the people I was closest too. In this world, it was kill or be killed and I would be damned if I just gave up that easily. Negan was taking me to Alexandria for a visit, to let the group know I was alive and well to 'keep them in line and make sure they collect my shit'. He began to stir, his arms slowly pulling away from my body. "Morning babygirl." He muttered, stretching his body out. I turned around to be face to face with him. "My ass fucking hurts." You stated, causing him to laugh. "Punishment, maybe it will teach you to behave. And you fucking enjoyed it." He pushed himself up off the bed, giving my expose thigh as little tap. "Be ready in 15, we're going on a little road trip!"


"Daisy?" Rick made the attempt to hug me before Negan whipped out Lucille, creating a barrier between me and Rick. "Whoa, slow down there cowboy! Did I say you could do that? Did I give you my permission to touch my girl like that?" Rick's face twisted in confusion, wondering what he was talking about, as I watched them both intensely.  I hated that I had felt that warm, tingly feeling all over my body at him claiming possession of me.  

"Yeah his girl, with 5 others. You're love-drunk, Daisy!"

I felt foolish and naive, someone like Negan couldn't be loved or feel love. Some girl wasn't going to change that, never mind me. He was a selfish and cocky bastard, who got off on people treating him like a god and women lining up outside his bedroom door.  I couldn't deny the way I felt, it wasn't love I told myself. Just lust. 

All I had to do was have a good fuck with someone, get it out of my system. It was harder to trust guys after what happened at terminus. I was a stronger person because of it but it put me on edge all the time when around men, thinking they were going to drag me off to have force themselves on me, like before.  

"Now that you've seen little miss Daisy chain, all alive and well. Where's my shit?" Negan asked, wrapping his arm around me, pulling me from my thoughts. "It's over here, we've been scavenging all week." Rick told Negan, hoping he would show some mercy. Negan whistled over his saviours, indicating them to start gathering the supplies from the pile. "See Rick, everything works out for you as long as you play by the rules." he laughed, getting closer into Rick's face. "I'd like to ask for the return of Daisy and Daryl. They are safer here and are some of our best scavengers, they would be able to get you better stuff than us." Rick looked scared as if he couldn't believe what he was suggesting to Negan. He laughed again, stroking his chin. "Daisy and Daryl stay with me. It gives you a reason to stay in line. Daisy loves the Sanctuary, don't you doll?" I nodded, not wanting to give off the impression of fading loyalty. "I mean, just the other day I had in my bedroom. Nice big bed, not the shit mattresses you put your people on, Rick." I couldn't look at Rick, knowing what he must think of me. "I treat my women with respect, Daisy's got me wrapped round her little finger!" he said, bringing his pinkie up to Rick. 

"Trucks are filled, sir!" Simon shouted to Negan, before jumping in the van. "Well that's our queue babygirl. Say goodbye to Prick." I turned to Rick, my eyes welling up with salty tears. 

"Goodbye Rick." 

"Wait! Before you go, you need to know this."


"Maggie's dead."


i feel like i'm writing negan dead inaccurate like he wouldn't say half this shit, any tips would be good lmao x

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