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I had been locked in this dirty, dingy cell for around a week at an estimated guess. I haven't seen Negan since the day I arrived at the Sanctuary, I had only heard him through the paper thin walls of the cell, barking his orders at the Saviors. I longed to be back at Alexandria, sharing a massive banquet with the rest of group, as we had a while ago. When Glenn and Abraham were alive and well, I tried not to get upset anymore when thinking about them. I have only grown angrier at the saviors, at Negan and at myself.

I can't help but ponder the possibility of them still surviving if I hadn't been so harsh and ballsy with Negan. I knew it had to be done though, Rick may have wanted the group to submit to Negan's ruling but it isn't the way I was going to go. I refused to be manipulated like a puppet on strings, dancing around for Negan's amusement. The grim ending of the world had made me a stronger person, and I'm not about to compromise that because of a asshole like Negan.

The only person that I had seen since the first day was Dwight, he brought me food every day; to I didn't die of starvation. He would put the bowl down on the floor, like I was a animal that ate on the ground, then rushing out of the room. He always had a scowl on his face, never giving any other emotions.

I curled up in the bed, the thin sheets wrapped around my body, trying to keep in as much warmth as possible. The room had no windows, meaning I didn't know what time it was. All I had to do was sleep and eat when the meals came. The door slammed open, rebounding off the wall. "Come on girl, Negan wants to talk." Dwight stood there, Daryl's crossbow in his hands. Dwight picked me up off the bed, a tight grip on my right arm. He pushed me out in front of him, gun placed at the small of my back, as Dwight led you through the halls of the sanctuary.

You passed many people, every one of them staring and gawking at you, light whispers filling the air. I resisted the temptation to roll my eyes; the last thing I needed to worry about was a couple rumors.

We came closer to the door of Negan's quarters, Dwight bombarding past me to knock on the door. "Who the fuck is it?" I heard him shout from the room. "It's Dwight, I brought the girl." Dwight looked over at me with a scowl, making sure I stayed put. "Well, send her in then!" he yelled, I could hear him moving around the room. Dwight gave me a little nod, stepping aside so I could get past.

"Well darlin', you look shitty."

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